
Páginas: 31 (7596 palabras) Publicado: 22 de octubre de 2012
The Will to Work


Ganas de trabajar

The Will to Work

The Añaños 12 Can dreams become reality? Committed for Peru 20 Land of opportunities 22 Sharing and thanking 24 Is it possible to conduct business as a family? The family foundations of development 30 The will to work 31 We can do it 32 Teamwork 34 Respect as a fundament 35 Are therekeys for competing? 37 An organizational culture 40 The importance of trusting and being trustable 40 Audacity 41 Within the reach of everyone 42 AJE’s offer 43 Made to measure 44 Giving more than one receives 47 27 17


The will to work

San Miguel, La Mar. The city of origin of the Añaños family, in Ayacucho.


The will to work

The Añaños family, 1974. Mirtha, Vicky, Eduardo,Carlos, Jorge, Arturo, Ángel, Álvaro.


The will to work


The will to work

The first plant in Ayacucho. Production using the first machines.


The will to work

Kola Real. The drinks produced by Añaños Industries arrive to all corners of the country, always at “the right price.”


The will to work

Kola Real in motion. AJE and its contribution to a parade inTrujillo in 1997.


The will to work

Roof casting in the new Ayacucho plant. Ángel placing a floral arrangement during the blessing ceremony of the plant in year 1996.

A new plant in Ayacucho. Mirtha and Álvaro in the opening ceremony in year 1996.

The factory in Huancayo. Eduardo and Mirtha at the opening ceremony in year 2000.


The will to work

The Añaños. Arturo,Eduardo, Jorge, Mirtha, Ángel, Álvaro, Vicky y Jorge en Lima, year 1995.


The will to work


The will to work

The Añaños
Mario Vargas Llosa
Taken from the Spanish daily El País. Sunday, November 16, 2003.

The name is difficult to memorize and that pair of ñ’s creates serious phonetic problems for foreigners, but it is worthy to make the effort and remember it because theextraordinary story of the Añaños family –that seems to have been lived to illustrate the ideas that us liberals promote– should be spread as an example of how well it can go for Latin America if the “perfect Latin American idiots” would imitate it instead of wasting their energies protesting against globalization or threatening, as does the Bolivian Evo Morales, to annihilate Western culture, two waysto waste time as good as spitting at the moon or protesting the law of gravity. I wanted to write about the deeds of this modest family from Ayacucho a long time ago, but I had not known enough about the details of their trajectory, a problem that was attended to thanks to ‘The Economist’, which has dedicated an article to them, and, above all, thanks to the excellent reporting by David Luhnow andChad Terhune in ‘The Wall Street Journal’ (October 27, 2003) from which I have taken much information. Eduardo and Mirtha Añaños had a small farmhouse on eastern slopes of the Andes, in the interior of Ayacucho, the impoverished department where the Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso) guerilla group was born. Ayacucho is the Peruvian region that most suffered from deaths, disappearances, and materialdamages in the years of terror, that was assaulted and devastated by the revolutionary movement. The couple and their children escaped unharmed, but instead of fleeing to the coast as tens of thousands of country farmers and middle-class families had, they took refuge in their small residence in the city of Ayacucho, given over to surviving with sweat on their brow. How was it possible to make aliving in this land devastated by terrorism and counterterrorism when being poor in the eighties then became being miserable, with thousands without work and marginalized, begging in the streets? The Añaños studied their surroundings and took note of the fact that, due to terrorist actions, the people of Ayacucho had been left without soda. The Coca Cola and Pepsi trucks, coming from Lima, which...
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