
Páginas: 2 (402 palabras) Publicado: 15 de agosto de 2011
Math Symbol Definitions - ... Symbol can be explained as the operation which helpful to make the expression. The symbol in the expression has to make definitions for the expression. In this article,we see about the math symbols and its definitions and how to use the math symbols in expression. Prepare for Math Symbol Definitions: Prepare Basic Math Symbol: Basic Math Symbol Spell - math SymbolMath Symbol in expression Definitions - Math expression + (addition) Plus, or A + B = C Add the A and B to get C - (subtraction) Minus A – B = C Sub the A and B to get C × (Multiplication) times A × B= C Product of two value A and B is C ÷ (Division) Divided by A ÷ B = C A is divided by B to get C ∑ (summation) The summation of Sum the given format up to infinity ∞ Infinity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …∞Infinity means no end % (percentage) Percent 0.32 % 32 % ± (plus / minus sign) Plus or minus 640 kps ± 10 % Expression of range or tolerance ^ (carrot) Power or exponent form 2^4 = 16 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16= Equal 2 = (3 -1) 2 is equal to the (3 -1) Prepare Some Other Basic Math Symbol: Basic Math Symbol Spell - math Symbol Math Symbol in expression Definitions - Math expression > Greater than 4 > 3 4is greater than 3 ≫ Much greater than 100000 ≫ 45 100000 is much greater than number 45 < Less than 3 < 4 3 is less than 4 ≪ much less than 1 ≪ 100000 1 is much less than 100000 U union A U B A unionB . Proper subset symbol Sets A B proper subset of sets A B ∫ Integral sign ∫ x2 dx = x3 / 3 Integration of x2 is x3 / 3 π Greek pi π = 3.14159 Use this value in formula λ lambda Λ = 70 cm Wavelengthratio ° Degree Symbols 45° Angle measure by degree φ Greek phi φ = 45° Angular variable θ theta θ = 45° Angular variable ≠ Not equal 4 ≠ 5 4 is not equal to 5 approximate A + B Z The sum of A and B isapproximately equal to Z N Natural Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … to infinity Natural number that start from 1 Z Integers Z = {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2} Set of integer theory R Real numbers 4 + 5 = 9 Don’t have...
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