
Páginas: 2 (444 palabras) Publicado: 2 de noviembre de 2011

I have been a very successful micro grower in colorado. I grew under lights and in green houses. I sold my business in october 2005 for one years net, (35k) The new owner is doingwell. The trick is to have a very high end market and get 3-4 very good customers, ones that use about 20 or more pints a week and several small customers. I don't believe for one minute this product willfizz out. They just add too much to a dish and if used properly do not add that much cost. I charged 12-16 dollars a pint for micros and packed them alone very similar to alfalfa sprouts. I will behelping a grower in Denver get started this spring, showing him everything there is to learn. The seed costs, electricity are just minor costs when done correctly. I have learned many tricks on how togrow product without any dirt residue and how to pack them so they last 7-10 days. I charge for my services to get a grower started but I may be willing to answer a few specific questions. I ampresently travelling around the country in a RV having been semi retired. I would love to see other peoples set ups in my travels. I am presently in Florida.

As far as getting your salad mix to lastlonger, I have no experience with that. I was only into the microgreens. The way I would get the micros to last longer was to not make a mix, but pack each item alone in a pint container the same size asyou see in the grocery store for alfalfa sprouts. Put a paper towel, the blue shop towel works well, in the bottom of the container. The container needs to have holes in the bottom. Spray the insideof the container until towel is nice and wet. Pour out excess water. Cut micros and place stem down and pack that way until the container is nicely packed, about 2 or more ounces. Place a damp papertowel on top and put a lid on. It takes a little practice to pack micros this way. But doing it this way it comes out to over $100 a pound. I sold Arugula for $12 and anything red, garnet amaranth or...
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