
Páginas: 7 (1593 palabras) Publicado: 10 de diciembre de 2012
We Need Your Consent. . .

Who are we? We are you, your family from the stars, beings of God, of love and of the highest integrity. We are those who watch over you in your hours of need and whisper to you that all will be well. We inspire and assist your creations from the realms of the unseen and yet we are as real as you, in every way we are you. We are just a little more spirituallyadvanced, technologically and socially superior because we have already traveled this road you now walk upon. We offer you our most sincere assistance in this latest hour, this time when your Earth Changes can and by necessity will tear certain constructs apart.

Evil and those self serving men and women who vie for more power and control everyday over a generally unsuspecting masses cannot prevail.It is their time to fail and the time of the end of this evil influence upon your world. We do not condemn, nor attack any, we blame none, but we do hold responsible those for their choices and the effects of such choices. The time of a new balance, a restored balance is close at hand. World leaders will change in their actions or be plunged from their offices in most exceptional ways. Why? Becausethe great change is upon you, upon the entire planet.

The age of Golden Achievements cannot be detoured. The age of humanity, truth and the highest integrity cannot be withheld from its rightful place as the new law of the land. Please open your hearts and acknowledge our presence. Feel us here above your world, in vast ships and fleets ready to help. Our technologies are great and ourachievements in energetics and electromagnetic activities well understood. Discordant vibrations sweep across your minds and your hearts. Too many people still cling to the outmoded dynamics of third dimensional laws and activities. Yet the planet has herself blossomed into a new evolutionary level of greater substance and power. She is now a fourth dimensional being, awaiting her children to catch up.To also take the step that is your destiny and achievement.

Your world has changed. Thoughts and consequences related to all thoughts are instantaneous. There is no lag time, nor a time to pull back and change direction. The crisp and clean designation of creation is in your thoughts in this moment. Take care and ultimate responsibility with these thoughts. They are your life blood and yourgreatest achievement or despair. Disciple your minds and your actions for this is the key to creating the happiness you seek.

Weak minds will create havoc and pain, so do not allow this to happen. The choice is yours; it has always been with you. The powers that control your land are at war. Evil men usurp government, earth resources and especially the minds of people everywhere with clever liesto ensure their own positions. Ask for the truth, demand it with the full weight of your hearts and nothing can be kept from you. No lie will be able to endure the scrutiny of a clear mind and heart which desires true knowledge.

Be aware that much on your planet is not as it seems. Many in power lie about energy, about resources and about the Earth Changes. Why Earth Changes? Because a greatshift in evolution of all life is upon you and your world. Nothing can hold back or contain this rise in consciousness, yet many, too many yet cling to old ways, false ideas, the belief in the separation and division of all life. Life in every form under creation must be honored and given its proper due or great upheaval follows. Why? Because the disrespect of a life form always originates in thefearful heart of a creature in pain. Earth has been often referred to as a planet of sorrows, many exist in this galaxy alone, and yet her evolution has ended this place of her existence, of her self definition. She has successfully begun now a new life as a planet of joy, but first all life upon her must align with this goal or simply depart. For those who will depart to continue the old way,...
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