
Páginas: 3 (533 palabras) Publicado: 26 de septiembre de 2011
Neoclassicism was a widespread and influential movement in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture. It begans in the 1760s, reached its height in the
1780s and'90s, and lasted until the 1840s and '50s.
Neoclassicism arose partly as a reaction against the sensuous and
frivolously decorative Rococo style that had dominated European art
from the 1720s on. Butan even more profound stimulus was the new and
more scientific interest in classical antiquity that arose in the 18th century.
Neoclassicism was given great impetus by new archaeological
discoveriesand engraved views of Roman monuments and other
With the desire to recover traces of the past, expeditions were launched to find the ancient works in their places of origin. Theone that start from France the architect Jacques-Germain Soufflot led to a publication in 1754, an essential reference for the formation of the French neoclassical artists. In England the “Society ofDilettanti”, subsidized archaeological campaigns to know the Greek and Roman ruins. Books were born of these expeditions, which served as inspiration for artists of this era.
ArquitectureProliferation of buildings that can help to improve human life as hospitals, libraries, museums, theaters, parks, etc.., Designed with monumental character. This new orientation led to reject the last Baroquearchitecture and they turned toward the past in search of an architectural model of universal validity.
All the architects were based on some common assumptions such as rationality in the buildingsand return to the past. Model buildings of Greece and Rome and even Egypt and Minor Asia, set standards that evryone used, although from different perspectives.

Also in the sculptureweighed the memory of the past, considering the large number of pieces that the excavations were uncovering and the collections that had been formed over the centuries.
The neoclassical sculptures were...
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