Periodic Tablre

Páginas: 2 (273 palabras) Publicado: 29 de enero de 2013
Name: ___________________________________________________ Reg. #: ___________ Room: _____
DATE: _________________

1.- In the following simplified versionof the periodic table indicate the location of metals, nonmetals and metalloids coloring them as follows:
1. metals: light blue
2. non metals : green
3. metalloids : pinkH | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | He |
Li | Be | | | | | | | | | | | B | C | N | O | F | Ne |
Na | Mg | | | | | | | | | | | Al | Si | P| S | Cl | Ar |
K | Ca | Sc | Ti | V | Cr | Mn | Fe | Co | Ni | Cu | Zn | Ga | Ge | As | Se | Br | Kr |
Rb | Sr | Y | Zr | Nb | Mo | Tc | Ru | Rh | Pd | Ag | Cd | In | Sn | Sb | Te | I | Xe |Cs | Ba | La | Hf | Ta | W | Re | Os | Ir | Pt | Au | Hg | Ti | Pb | Bi | Po | At | Rn |
Fr | Ra | Ac | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

2.-Indicate with an arrow in the same graphicthe following families:
A. Nitrogen family
B. Halogens
C. Alkali metals
D. Alkaline earth metals
E. Noble gases
3.-Identify each of the following as a representative element or atransition element:
a) Lithium (Li)
b) Silver (Ag)
c) Carbon (C )
d) Aluminum (Al)
e) Platinum (Pt)

4.- For each of the given elements, list two other elements with similarchemical properties:
a) Iodine (I)
b) Barium(Ba)
c) Iron (Fe)
5.- Explain why elements within the same group or family have similar chemical properties

6.- Define valence electrons andmake a drawing that shows them.

7.- Write the symbol of the following elements.
a) Sodium
b) Berilium
c) Phosphorous
d) Chlorine
e) Aluminum
f) Manganese
g) Mercuryh) Calcium
i) Nickel
j) Boron
8.- List the characteristics of metals and Non metals

9.- Describe the characteristics of alkali metals
10.-Describe the characteristics of alkaline earth...
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  • Periodic Table History
  • Electronic Configuration And Its Relation With The Periodic Table
  • Elements Dels Blocs S I P Del Sistema Periòdic

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