Poderes psíquicos

Páginas: 11 (2590 palabras) Publicado: 5 de enero de 2012

- - idioma: Ingles
- - escrita por peebrain

Hello one and all. I've learned a lot since the last time I've spoke to everyone about telekinesis. For the past few months I've been practicing pretty regularly with the paper-on-pin exercise from my first article, Introduction to Telekinesis. After a lot of success, I started to keep a kind of "journal" recordingthings I've noticed and other tid-bits of information. What's that you say? You want to read my journal? Just click on the notebook to take a gander... Some of it is useless but there are some good spots .
I'm starting to try to piece together this strange ability. The first thing that comes to mind is the effort on my part. Defining this focused state I go into is a little hard... ananalogy might help me there. Let's say I give you a task - move the ball in front of you. You easily reach out with your hand and give it a shove. What effort was there? Barely any. You didn't really think about moving your arm, you didn't think "flex biceps, now forearm", you just understood the task then fulfilled it. Even as I write this I can see this half-effort thing I'm talking about. I don'tthink about the shape of each letter or the spelling of the words as I write them. I have a sentence in my mind and my task is to "write this down." There's no real force or intense focus - it just happens. Telekinesis is the same way.
Using the same analogy though, we can see it's a little harder than that. I could perform the "push the ball" task when little, but could I write sentences? Ofcourse not. It took focus and practice to get where I am now. I had to learn the skill, then I could do it with no effort. Just like if I was a baby I wouldn't be able to push the ball. Telekinesis, if like other skills, takes focus at first, but eventually becomes effortless after the initial phase. The problem is getting through this phase.

If I tell a six year old to write a sentence, althoughthey can't, they know how it's accomplished. They've seen others do it and know what happens, they just can't perform the task themselves. Unfortunately, we don't have that luxury with telekinesis. How can we learn if we have nothing to learn from? This article may help some, but it's merely my personal discoveries and observations. It's better than nothing, but without any experienced telekineticsspreading information, it makes the learning process very slow. We all have questions in our heads that would be obvious to a veteran, but with a skill this rare, it's kind of tough to find a reliable source of information. I'll explore some questions I have in my head and maybe we can all learn something .

The key question currently in my mind is "How is this possible"? Scientifically, Imean, how is it possible for one to move an object with their mind? I've heard theories on electromagnetic fields and have come up with my own thoughts on magnetism and static electricity but I'm still clueless. I've also thought about linking aerokinesis to it - creating gusts of wind to move an object. Then we can get even more complex and ask "Is there more than one way to accomplish telekinesis?"You can write with a pen in your hands or a pen in your mouth, who says there's only one explanation for TK?

Maybe the answers will come in time - I'm not sure. Do I need to know how it works to progress any further? Do I need to know specific details to perform TK? I don't think so. I know, in general, that through thought I move something. The six year old knows that through finger movements,they write. They don't need to know the interaction between the ink and paper or the specific electrical signals sent by the brain, they just need a primitive understanding. This is all we should need for TK then.

How should the beginner start and more importantly (for me) what should the teacher provide? What are you looking for? The more I think about it, the clearer the answer becomes:...
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