Prueba Inglés 8Vo Año

Páginas: 2 (269 palabras) Publicado: 18 de enero de 2013
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
1) Vocabulary. Write the things’ names under the pictures. (2 p.)________________ _______________ _________________ _________________ ________________________________ _______________ _________________ _________________ ________________

2) Calculate and write the numbers in letters. (2 p.)
a) nine plus seven = ________________________b) fourteen plus twenty two = _____________________
c) eighteen plus twelve = ____________________
d) thirty one plus eleven = ______________________
e) sixteen plus twenty three =______________________

3) Complete the sentences with am – is – are / have got – has got ( 2 p.)

1) She ____________ my friend Susan.
2) I _____________ a good student.
3) They____________ my friends.
4) Tomás ___________ a soccer player.
5) We _____________ classmates at school.
6) I _________________ a black jacket.
7) She _______________ a red pen.
8) You_______________ a new bike.
9) Marcos _____________ a magazine.
10) They ______________ skateboards.

4) Match questions and answers. (2 p.)
1) | ……. | Where are you from? | a) | Paris.|
2) | ……. | What’s your name? | b) | Yes, I have. |
3) | ……. | Have you got a dog? | c) | Green. |
4) | ……. | What colour is it? | d) | Shakira |
5) | ……. | What’s your favourite singer? | e)| No, I’m a teacher. |
6) | ……. | Are you a student? | f) | I’m twelve years old. |
7) | ……. | Has she got a red book? | g) | No, it isn’t. |
8) | ……. | Is your bicycle big? | h) | No, shehasn’t. |
9) | ……. | How old are you? | i) | My name is Agustín. |
10) | ……. | What’s the Capital of France? | j) | We’re from Brazil. |

5) Order the sentences. (2 p.)
a) jeans/ They /...
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