
Páginas: 3 (651 palabras) Publicado: 11 de marzo de 2013
Research Paper

How does a sharks hunt?

Just like many other animals sharks are all very important , and they are very good hunters because they have very god abilities to do so.
Julian EsparzaEspinosa

Mr: Carlos Bustamante


Sharks rely on their senses of smell to find food; in fact they use their entire body as a big nose being able to knowing the shape of a smell.(The Technology And Science Website) They use their nose to seek and pray, and they constantly use math by not moving randomly and using timing to guide themselves in the right direction. Sharks willalways investigate loud noises for big meals, for example, they hear a loud, low-pitched sound, and assume it is a big meal because of the way sound bounces back. According to scientific studies, thesound waves will bounce back with a lower pitch if the prey is big in size while small preys will make the sound bounce back with a higher pitch.
Sharks also have olfactory senses in the sortduct between the anterior and posterior nasal openings with the ability to smell a drop of blood from miles away. (Yahoo Answers Website) But when the prey is closer they use lateral lines of water tosense movement in the water and use pores on their head to detect electrical fields created by the prey and identifying its position easier.
They typically hunt by themselves and join othersharks in circumstances, but that is not really necessary because they need no protection from other predators. Most of the time sharks swim alone. Consequently they have hunting techniques to avoidanything dangerous. Camouflage is one of the best techniques to avoid being spotted by the possible meal and when the prey gets closer they open widely their mouth to swallow the whole prey. In activehunters, the technique is a little bit different, when they are hunting bigger meals they usually proceed really slow and once it is really near to it they circle it and then move fast to catch it....
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