
Páginas: 3 (649 palabras) Publicado: 26 de noviembre de 2012
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E j e rc. ve rb o s In fi n i n ti vo

Estudiar Inglés en Canadá
Programa de Inmersión Completa Estarás Viviendo 24hs en Inglés.
- Es cribe e l verbo e n ge rundio o infinitivo, s e gún corre s ponda:
1. I'm looking forward to s eeing
the film. (see)
2. I was surprised not to hear
3. running

about the new president. (not hear)

is agood form of exercise. (run)

4. There's a lot of work to do

on the new house. (do)

5. John decided no to write

to Helen for a month or two. (not writ e)

6. It really is time to go


7. There are some very interesting things to s eing
8. We decided no to s tay

until the end of the match. (not st ay)

9. I think you're going to have to give up play ing
10. You missbeing able

in Paris. (see)
tennis. (play)

to see your children every week. (be able)

- Es críbe una fras e para conte s tar e s ta pre gunta. Lue go comprue ba s i tu re s pue s ta e s ta e n lalis ta de las
razone s más fre cue nte s .
I’m learning English to go USA
to travel
- Ahora e s cribe más fras e s dicie ndo la razón por la que la ge nte va a los s iguie nte s s itios :
Alanguage school People go to a language
1. A train station To travel by train
2. A restaurant to eat
3. A cinema to s ee a movie
4. A bank withdraw money
5. A tennis court to play tennis
6. Anairport c ac ht airplane
7. A clothes shop to buy c lothing
8. A cyber café to internet
9. A disco to danc e
10. A pub to tak e a tax i
11. A swimming pool to s wwim
12. A travel agent’s

www.m a nsi o n i n g l e s.co m /g ra m 4 4 _ e j 1 .h tm

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E j e rc. ve rb o s In fi n i n ti vo

12. A travel agent’s for travel information
- Cambia las s iguie nte s fras e sus ando las palabras e ntre paré nte s is . Sigue e l e je mplo. No olvide s pone r e l
ve rbo e n e l tie mpo corre cto.
Angeles said I’d be perfect for the job and it would be a good idea if I...
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