
Páginas: 17 (4184 palabras) Publicado: 9 de mayo de 2011
Ever wonder what life was like someone who lived hard times in the depression era? The movie Seabiscuit a film about a boy growing up in the early 90’s in the depression. The depression struck The United State’s economy hard when billions went right down the drain and was worth nothing. This tragedy hit the workforce of America with a loss in jobs and the price of ones belongings hit rock bottom.The films story is about one boys troubles he goes through trying to make it in would of hardship. He takes up horse racing as a way to make a living but struggles to make rent and to eat what he can. Until one day a lucky brake comes his way. It shows how the boy “Red” grew up at home and then was forced to live with someone more fortunate by his parents. As the story goes on the boy quicklyportrays a vision to the viewers that he is in great need help. The relationship he has with the whole society is just excruciating. He feels he has no friends and must make up stories just to hold a conversation with another being. It seems that every chance he gets he’s in a fight; it doesn’t matter with who, just anyone that he comes across, even if the opposing fighter is twice his size. Likewhen he was at
¿Pregúntese nunca qué vida era como alguien que vivió las dificultades en la era de la depresión? La película Seabiscuit una película sobre un muchacho que crece en los años 90 tempranos en la depresión. La depresión pegó la economía del estado unido difícilmente cuando los mil millones fueron a la derecha abajo del dren y no valieron nada. Esta tragedia golpeó a la mano de obra deAmérica con una pérdida en trabajos y el precio de unos las pertenencia golpeó el fondo. La historia de las películas es apuros de cerca de un muchachos que él pasa con intentar hacerlo adentro de dificultad. Él toma carrera de caballos como manera de hacer una vida pero luchas para hacer alquiler y para comer lo que él puede. Hasta un día un freno afortunado viene su manera. Demuestra cómo elmuchacho “rojo” creció en el país y entonces fue forzado para vivir con alguien más afortunado por sus padres. Mientras que la historia va en el muchacho retrata rápidamente una visión a los espectadores que él está en gran ayuda de la necesidad. La relación que él tiene con la sociedad entera apenas está torturando. Él siente que él no tiene ningún amigo y que debe componer historias apenas parallevar a cabo una conversación con otro ser. Parece que cada ocasión que él lo consigue está en una lucha; no importa con quién, apenas cualquier persona que él parece, incluso si el combatiente de oposición es dos veces su tamaño. Como cuando él estaba en

He became a person that you could talk to. Seabiscuit was a small horse and everybody laughed when they saw him, but after he raced, everyoneended up eating there own words. You can make yourself the way you want. After being told never again, Red trained and trained to be able to race. After this accident Red had his good friend Jeffery race the race for him. Red became a known jockey in horse racing, he now had the power over the society in his mind. This film is a great inspiration to those who have had dreams to become someone orsomething and then been ridiculed and stereotyped out of
that possibility. When communicating with people you must get to know them, and find a trait that you can base you trust off of. Like when Red first started racing with Seabiscuit the trainer told Red to hang on the flank of the gray horse right until the end. He has built trust to others, which he never once had before he came acrossSeabiscuit. Competition in this time was stronger then ever and the film showed how the people there dealt with the depression and lack of economy. Red had the best attitude and self motivation that he could have. In communicating with the world self concept is everything, if you think your one way you can be that way. Toward the beginning of the story the horse trainer sees the young boy talking to...
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