Sociedad Humana

Páginas: 3 (635 palabras) Publicado: 20 de abril de 2012
Human Society
In this article I could find that there’s so many kind of societies in the world, and those are not just human ones but they are also animal ones. To be honest this article was alittle hard to understand for me because there are a lot of definitions that are very alike, so in some cases I had to read it at least two times. Even though was hard to get some parts of the article Iagree with almost all of it. I liked the way they describe the word society: “A moral union and effective between intelligent beings to do a common good.” This is important for me because being asociety is not just doing the same things but have an inter-relation between the persons. I totally agree when they said that being part of a society is not a luxury, it’s a necessity in humans. We weremade to communicate with each other and communication is unstoppable, inevitable and continues. We have clear that if we stay together we can do everything that we want, that means that we have benefitsfor be part of a society. We can build a perfect society or we can destroy whatever we have.
We also have a division in society and it’s a community: spontaneous and reflective, the first one meansthat we have no choice about being or not part of a community, on the other hand reflective means that we can choose where to be. This is another fact about humans as social beings, we have bornsocializing and every time we have to choose we make the decision that makes us be part of a society; when we choose go to a party instead to stay at home, when we prefer do a team works instead of doingthe work by ourselves, we are choosing belong and live in a society.
With the pass of the time a lot of cultures have created a lot of thoughts about human society and other ones had made no thoughtabout it. The truth is that we have to consider that the human is the main part of a society, because is a substance individual with rational nature, conscious, free, has no knowledge limits and has...
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