
Páginas: 3 (691 palabras) Publicado: 22 de agosto de 2011
Unit 1:
* Vocabulary: close friends, acquaintance, pen friends, relatives, distant family, extended family, class/room/flat mate.
Phrasal verbs: make up with; go along with, takeafter, look up to.
Adjectives: modify noun. Ex: nice, friendly.
Adverbs: modify verbs, adjectives, adverbs. Ex: quickly, nicely.

* Grammar: STATE VERBS: only in simple form, not in continuous, ex:like, smell, know, understand, and have. DYNAMICS VERBS: both (simple and continuous) forms. Ex: eat, watch.

Unit 2:
* Vocabulary: suffixes: wait-er, act-or, employ-er.
* Grammar:superlatives forms: add “est.” to a one syllable adjective, use most with long adjectives, use “the” before the superlatives adjectives. Comparative forms: add “er” to short adjectives, add “more” to longadjectives, use than to compare.

Unit 3:
* Vocabulary: croquet, wresting, tug of war, sailing, . Collocations: we “do” karate and archery; we “play” tennis and “go” bowling. We have a goodtime, not we do a good time.
* Grammar: must: obligation, should: advice, had better: advice, might: advice, ought to: obligation / rule. Could / was able to = general abilities; was/were able andcouldn’t = specific occasion, lot of effort.
Unit 4:
* Vocabulary: endangered, train, breed, tame. Adjectives + Preposition collocations: aware of (me di cuenta), fed up with (enojado), keen on(llevarse bien), live off (survive), come up (invent/ have an idea), took every one in (trick), carry out (perform/complete).
* Grammar: phrasal verbs can be: TRANSITIVES: when you need somethingmore after the verb, INTRANSITIVE: when you don’t need something after the verb. Countable nouns: many, number. Uncountable noun: much, amount, deal.
Unit 5:
* Vocabulary: bangle (brazalete), waysof looking (gazed, staring, glared); ways of drinking (slurping, gulped); ways of breathing (gasp, sigh); ways of walking/moving (strolled, limped, stagger); ways of laughing (giggle, snigger)....
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