Tarjeta Solidaridad

Páginas: 10 (2359 palabras) Publicado: 31 de octubre de 2012
The presidential candidate of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), Hipólito Mejía, accused the Government of be blackmailing those that are in need with the use of the solidarity card and said that this is "a lack of respect to the Dominican residents". He expressed that the creation of the official program of aid was a creation of the Government he headed 2000-2004,to carry a solution to the families of limited economic resources (given to families which are in need of monetary help). The PRD presidential candidate said that "since the Government are committing abuses against the Dominican people" felt that "we must put a limit". In addition, he indicated that this time the people will know how to choose and "give him a good education, to those who mockthe misery and poverty of the most needy". In this research, I will find out if the welfare system improves the living standard of people because, I don’t agree with this system. I will also prove that ´’la tarjeta de solidaridad´´ is just not working for improving the living standard of a family.

´´Denounced solidarity card has more than one year without funds´´
Resident peasants in themunicipal district of Mamá Tingó, reported that they carry around a year without to use the card of the solidarity program, because the lack of allocation of resources pertaining to the humanitarian project that runs the Government in this impoverished region. Petronila Valentine, who served as spokeswoman for the families, said they had nine months without using the card because the economic benefitshave not been deposited yet. She added that it was one of the first to receive the card, more than four years ago; but that plan has entered into a process of deterioration. She expressed that not only she is in this situation, more than 60 people suffer from the disadvantages when it comes to buy any type of product and food must be paid with the solidarity card.
Published by: ´´noticias y mas´´.Author: Aldo Peguero.
Date published: Tuesday, October 4th 2011, with two commentaries.

´´CONEP questions so many cards of solidarity.´´
Also, The National Council of private enterprise (Conep) expressed concern at what felt an extraordinary number of beneficiaries of the from solidaritycard, he understood it means an unsustainable burden that reduces resources to establish policies that will generate a true economic prosperity. A document of business organization, led by Manuel Diez Cabral, establishes that "If there is a million families under this subsidy scheme means assuming that an average of two dependent beneficiary card there is three millions of people who depend on theState, which joined the half a million public employees; means an unsustainable burden that reduces resources to establish policies that will generate a true economic prosperity". In this sense, Conep understands that it should be given priority to work on the generation of conditions that promote productive employment and the down...
20 April 2012, actualized at: 1:27 AM
Jairon Severino jairon.severino@listindiario.com
Santo Domingo

To completely know the real things going on I did this interview to my dad.
What is the main point of ´´ la tarjeta de solidaridad´´? Its supposed purpose it to help those people which have very and sometimes non currenciesincome.
Who introduced this program? This program was first used in this country on the 2002-2004, in the government of Hipolito Mejia.
How many people or families are benefited from this program? I could not say exactly how much but, I could say that at least 450 thousand families are in this program.
What is the main purpose of this plan? Is to help break the intergenerational transmission of...
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