
Páginas: 4 (818 palabras) Publicado: 3 de febrero de 2013
Off-site Secure Shredding
Good business practice ensuring protection against fraud

In the wrong hands confidential information can be damaging to any business. It is essential to havesecure systems in place to prevent unauthorised access to confidential or business critical data. With an increasing number of cases of corporate fraud and identity theft, the secure disposal of allconfidential material including personnel records, accounts information and sales reports, is a key requirement for all businesses. This extends to any records or documents with a name or numberdetailing personal information. Under Principle 7 of the Data Protection Act, this information must be disposed of responsibly. Using an accredited shredding company which has the necessary systems andprocedures in place protects data and avoids financial penalties.

CAN I GET COVERAGE IN MY AREA? Iron Mountain has a nationwide infrastructure of shredding plants and transportation which means thereis a secure shredding facility within easy reach of your business. Our comprehensive range of flexible services includes scheduled and ad-hoc collections including one-off purges during office movesor storeroom clearouts.

‘Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of,or damage to, personal data.’
Principle 7 – Data Protection Act Iron Mountain is a Government-approved secure shredding service provider. We manage the secure destruction of both paper and nonpaper-based materials including tapes, magnetic media, CD’s, ID cards and even uniforms. Our fully audited workflows are specifically tailored to aid compliance and to meet corporate data protectionrequirements. Iron Mountain secure shredding programmes offer protection against the inadvertent disclosure of vital information by minimising the risk of information theft for both customers and their...
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