The War Of The World

Páginas: 7 (1638 palabras) Publicado: 6 de noviembre de 2012
ANNOUNCER TWO: Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin from the Radio News. At twenty minutes before eight, Professor Farrell reports observing explosions on the planet Mars.
ANNOUNCER TWO: We are now ready to take you to the Princeton Observatory where Carl Phillips, will interview Professor Kevin Fischer, famous astronomer.PHILLIPS: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is Carl Phillips, speaking to you from the observatory at Princeton. . . Professor, may I begin our questions?
PIERSON: At any time, Mr. Phillips.
PHILLIPS: Professor, would you please tell our radio audience exactly what you see as you observe the planet Mars through your telescope?
PIERSON: Nothing unusual at the moment, Mr. Phillips. A red disk swimmingin a blue sea. Transverse stripes across the disk. Quite distinct now because Mars happens to be the point nearest the earth . . . in opposition, as we call it.
PHILLIPS:  Professor, for the benefit of our listeners, how far is Mars from earth?
PIERSON: Approximately forty million miles.
PHILLIPS: Well, that seems a safe enough distance.
PHILLIPS: Just a moment, ladies and gentlemen,someone has just handed Professor Fischer a message. It says Seismograph registered shock of almost earthquake intensity occurring within a radius of twenty miles of Princeton. Please investigate" . . . Professor Fischer, could this occurrence possibly have something to do with the disturbances observed on the planet Mars?
PIERSON: Hardly, Mr. Phillips. This is probably a meteorite of unusual sizeand its arrival at this particular time is merely a coincidence. However, we shall conduct a search, as soon as daylight permits.
PHILLIPS: Thank you, Professor. This is Carl Phillips speaking. We are returning you now to our New York studio.
ANNOUNCER TWO: Ladies and gentlemen. Nearer home, comes a special announcement from Trenton, New Jersey. It is reported that at 8:50 P. M. a huge, flamingobject, believed to be a meteorite, fell on a farm in the neighborhood of Grovers Mill, New Jersey, twenty-two miles from Trenton. 
The flash in the sky was visible within a radius of several hundred miles and the noise of the impact was heard as far north as Elizabeth. 
We have dispatched a special mobile unit to the scene, and will have our commentator, Carl Phillips, give you a worddescription as soon as he can reach there from Princeton.
ANNOUNCER TWO: We take you now to Grovers Mill, New Jersey.
PHILLIPS: Ladies and gentlemen, this is Carl Phillips again, at the Wilmuth farm, Grovers Mill, New Jersey. Well, I . . . I hardly know where to begin, to paint for you a word picture of the strange scene before my eyes. Well, I just got here. Ihaven't had a chance to look around yet. I guess that's it. Yes, I guess that's the . . . thing, directly in front of me. Must have struck with terrific force. What I can see of the . . . object itself doesn't look very much like a meteor, at least not the meteors I've seen. It looks more like a huge cylinder. About thirty yards . . . The metal on the sheath is . . . well, I've never seen anything likeit.
PHILLIPS: I wish I could convey the atmosphere . . . the background of this . . . fantastic scene. ladies and gentlemen, there's something I haven't mentioned in all this excitement, but now it's becoming more distinct. Perhaps you've caught it already on your radio. Listen:
(LONG PAUSE) . . .
Do you hear it? It's a curious humming sound that seems to come from inside the object. Oh,Professor Fischer! Can you tell us the meaning of that scraping noise inside the thing?
PIERSON: Possibly the unequal cooling of its surface.
PHILLIPS: I see, do you still think it's a meteor, Professor?
PIERSON: I don't know what to think. The metal casing is definitely extraterrestrial . . . not found on this earth.
PHILLIPS: Just a minute! Something's happening! Ladies and gentlemen, this is...
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