The woman in white

Páginas: 6 (1326 palabras) Publicado: 28 de febrero de 2012
Resumen en español de “THE WOMAN IN WHITE”
Subtítulos en español.
Walter Hartright se traslada a Limmeridge para dar clases de dibujo a Laura, una joven rica heredera sobrina del barón Frederick Fairlie. Poco anes de irse, tropieza con una misteriosa dama vestida de blanco que le habla de Limmeridge y de su propietaria fallecida, la señora Fairlie. Desde el principio Walter siente una granatracción por Laura, quien está prometida con sir Percival Glyde, que solo busca arrebatarle su herencia. Solo se interpone en su camino la misteriosa dama de blanco. La dama de blanco, inspirada en un hecho real y publicada originalmente por entregas en una revista dirigida por Charles Dickens, ha constituido un éxito ininterrumpido de ventas en todas las lenguas. Todo ello se debe a una tramaargumental magníficamente desarrollada, que envuelve al lector en una atmósfera de misterio e intriga.

Nueva adaptación de la novela de Collins donde, a diferencia de esta, la narradora es Marian, y la historia está contada desde su punto de vista.

descripcion breve de cada personaje.


WALTER HARTRIGHT: Tiene 28 años, profesor de arte que va a trabajar a Cumberland a Limmerdige house.
LAURA FAIRLIE: 20 años. Pelo castaño y ojos azules. Hermanastra de Marian.
Se va a casar con Percival. Laura tiene mucho dinero y es lo quiere su marido
MARIAN HALCOMBE: su hermanastra. Pelo negro y joven.
PROFESSOR PESCA: Amigoitaliano de Walter. Profesor de lengua. Es profesor en italia pero ha dejado la ciudad por razones politicas.
Mr HALCOMBE: Padre de Marian.
PHILIP FAIRLIE: El ultimo marido de la madre de Laura y Marian, padre de laura.
FREDERICK FAIRLIE: Tio de Laura. Invalido. 55 años. Cara delgada y palida. Ojos grises.
Sir. PERCIVAL: Marido de laura. Politico con buena reputación.
Mrs. WESLEY: Amiga dela woman in white.
ANNE CATHERICK: The women in white.
Mrs. GILMORE: Avogado de la familia, amigo de confianza
Resumen en ingles:
Resumen The Woman In White

A drawing teacher, Walter Hartright, is employed by Mr Fairlie of Limmeridge House in Cumberland to teach his niece, the beautiful heiress Laura Fairlie, and her devoted half-sister Marian Halcombe, who is poor and plain but clever.Hartright and Laura fall in love, but he is penniless and Laura is promised in marriage to Sir Percival Glyde, a friend of her late father. The pair part and Hartright leaves England to forget her.
Laura begins married life with Marian as a companion. It soon becomes clear that Sir Percival has money troubles and has married his wife for her fortune. His friend Count Fosco, whose wife is Laura'saunt, appears to be involved with the plot and Marian is deeply suspicious of him, despite his open admiration of her. Trying to eavesdrop on their plotting, she is soaked in the rain and taken very ill. Recovering, she is told that Laura has died suddenly while visiting her aunt in London.
A strange woman dressed in white appears several times during the first part of the novel. Anne Catherick,the daughter of a former housekeeper to the Glydes, bears a striking resemblance to Laura. She knew Limmeridge as a child and wears white in remembrance of Laura's late mother, who was kind to her. Hartright meets her first under mysterious circumstances in the opening pages of the novel, and later learns that she had just escaped a private asylum where she had been confined by Sir Percival and hermother. Mentally and physically frail, Anne hints repeatedly at a scandalous secret associated with Sir Percival, whom she hates and fears. Later, after Laura's death is reported, Anne is said to have been recaptured and returned to the asylum.
Hartright returns to England, and at Laura's graveside encounters Marian with Laura herself. He learns that Anne Catherick suffered heart failure when...
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