Traducción Del Libro De Lectura De Inglés

Páginas: 11 (2642 palabras) Publicado: 7 de marzo de 2013
Murder in the house of Commons Resumen Williams a banker dreamed that a man called Spencer was dying murdered by Bellingham in the foyer of the parliament of England. This it dreamed two times in the same night, and he was very worried. The following day when one came to the parliament it saw as a high man with black coat with golden buttons itwas murdering Spencer, some days later Bellingham wascalled to declare and said that he killed Spencer because I ignore the letters that he sent when his business in Russia was going badly. The judgment of the judge was that he was dying hung. Personajes Williams: He was a man who was capable of predicting a real murder. Spencer: He proved asesiando for not noticing to the letters got for Bellingham, he was a first minister. Bellingham: He was theauthor of the murder to Spencer and did it due to his great anger when his letters were ignored in that year in which his business was going very badly in Russia. Actividades • Describe briefly what happened in John Williams dream Spencer a great politician was turning out to be murdered • What explanation did Williams wife give him about his dream? She said that he should not worry and that heshould sleep. • What did williams decide to do about his dream? It to be told to his friends of the work and was thinking it to be going to be told to the proper Spencer. 4.Why didn´t Perceval´s family want him to go to the House of Commons? Because Spencer had dreamed that would kill him on having gone to the parliament. 5.What did John Bellingham do when Spencer Perceval came into the lobby? Hewas moving along towards him and shot him in the heart. 6.Why was Bellingham angry with the British government? Because they had ignored the letters that he ordered when his business in Russia was going badly. 7.What was the result of Bellingham´s trial? That Bellingham killed Spencer and did not kill the political person of Spencer 1

8.What surprised Williams about the painting of the murder?He travelled to London and bought a picture of the murder of the prime minister, including the location of the wound and the physical aspects of Perceval and Bellingham, which were equal that in his dreams. The ghost soldiers Resumen Counts the history of Treasurer's house in 1953 tape−worm problems in the outlets and a worker called Harry went down to the basement to try to solve the problem suchwhen it was his surprise that I listen to trumpets of fund increasingly nearby until at the moment a few Roman soldiers appeared astride to which the feet were not seen, Harry hid and when already it ended everything rose to it be telling to his workers which were saying that he was mad. Some years later two archeologists went down to studying the surroundings of the house and discovered acauseway under the soil because of it one did not see the feet to the horses. Today it is impossible to know if this fact was a reality or not. Personajes Harry: He was the worker entrusted to arrange the outlets of the house. I take the great fright to him. Archaeologist: They studied the house for the basement and the same thing happened to them they say that they do not know if this case is real ornot. Actividades • What was Harry Martindale doing when he saw the soldiers? He hides behind a corner 2.What surprised Harry about the soldier´s appearance? They were tired and his suits were dirty and were ancient 3.What was the reaction of the other workers when Harry told them his history? They said to her that he went away to resting. 4.Why were the two archaeologists surprised when theyvisited the cellar? To them the same thing happened to them 5.Why did the archaeologists dig below the Treasurer´s House? To investigate and they found the causeway 6.What discovery did the archaeologists make under the Treasurer´s House and how did this help them? They discovered a Roman causeway that helped them to relate because him the feet were not seen to the horses. 2

7.What theory might...
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