Verbal Complementation In English Language

Páginas: 7 (1548 palabras) Publicado: 10 de abril de 2012

In the development of this essay I will focus on verbal complementation. Complementation is defined as the function of a part of a phrase or clause which follows a word and completes the specification of a meaning relationship which that word implies. So, from a semantic point of view, complementation completes the meaning of a given word. Moreover, meaning determinesthe syntactic structure of a sentence, so complementation is also a syntactic phenomenon.

We may distinguish between two issues: simple structure of complementation (where we find phrases – E.g. Campbell himself drank wine – Line 2) and complex structure of complementation (where we find clauses – E.g. Then Mary Campbell inquired how long I’d been in Toledo – Line 10).

When we are definingverbal complementation it is necessary to take into account the different clause patterns. This implies the number of obligatory complements which may accompany a verb phrase. In this sense, we find Zero place predicates (meteorological verbs), one place predicates (SV - intransitive verbs), two place predicates (SVO, SVC, SVA – monotransitive and copulative verbs) and three place predicates (SVOO,SVOC, SVOA – ditransitive and complex transitive verbs).
From now on, complementation is going to be described in detail in these seven syntactic patterns.

When speaking about intensive complementation we have to focus on two different clause patterns: SVC and SVA, and on the different uses of the intensive verbs, such as “to be”. This kind of complementation is called intensive because verbmaintains a copular relation with a subject complement

or a predication adjunct. These elements can not be dropped without changing the meaning of the verb.

In SVC pattern, the subject maintains an intensive or copular relation with the Subject Complement. The most relevant copular verb, which has been previously mentioned, is to be. Copular verbs fall into two main classes according to therole of the Subject complement, so, semantically speaking, we can distinguish between equative and ascriptive Cs.

In an Equative attribute there is an equative relation between the S and the Cs, this means that they are reversible. If we have a change of position we will also have a change in their syntactic function, obviously. Equative attribute identifies the subject. It is only realized byNoun phrases. ( E.g. The hostess is Mary Campbell).

An Ascriptive attribute characterizes the subject; this means that it gives a quality of the subject. The kind of relation between the Cs and the S is not reversible. Frequently it appears with verbs such as become, turn, seem, grow, get, prove … Subject complement may be a Noun phrase, Prepositional phrase or Adjective phrase. (E.g. The epicwas long – Line 24).
Sometimes it may be placed in front of the subject for emphatic reasons.

As it has been previously said, Subject Complement can be realized by different structures, which are listed below:

• Simple noun phrases (E.g. The hostess is Mary Campbell).
• Complex noun phrases (E.g. It was the poet’s saint’s day – Line 1 ).
• Simple adjective phrases (E.g. Theyoung girls were excited – Line 18 ).
• Complex adjective phrases with different structures of complementation, such as Non finite to infinitive clauses (E.g. I am anxious to start);

Prepositional phrases (E.g. I was more than satisfied by this encounter – Line 3); non finite –ing clauses (E.g. His eyes were glittering like broken glass) and finite that clauses (E.g. She was sure(that) there was more than enough if I cared to go home with them... Lines 11-12) .

According to this last type of complex adjective complementation, That Finite clause, it is necessary to make a remark: the form of the verb of the finite clause complementing an adjective is determined by the adjective ruling the finite clause. (E.g. Factual adjectives rule indicative mood, emotive...
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