Verbos auxiliares

Páginas: 6 (1402 palabras) Publicado: 23 de noviembre de 2011

TO HAVE: Se usa para la formación de los tiempos compuestos de pasado.

TO BE: Se usa para la forma progresiva o contínua y la voz pasiva: I am eating apples, estoy comiendo manzanas; Hamlet was written by Shakespeare, Hamlet fue escrito por Shakespeare.

DO - DID: Son auxiliares para las formas interrogativas y negativas de Presente Simple y Pasado Simple.

SHALL -WILL: a) Se usan para formar el futuro y sus pasados: shall, para las primeras personas del singular y plural; will, para las restantes; b) En la forma interrogativa Will you? equivale a ¿Quieres?

SHOULD - WOULD: Se usan para formar los condicionales: should para las primeras personas del singular y plural; would, para las restantes.

LET: Se usa para la tercera persona del singular y plural,y primera del plural del imperativo. |

VERBO TO HAVE (tener, haber) |

I have
you have
he has
we have
you have
I have had
you have had
he has had
we have had
you have had
they have had | FUTURO SIMPLE
I shall have
you will have
he will have
we shall have
you will have
they will have | FUTURO PERFECTO
I shall have had
youwill have had
he will have had
we shall have had
you will have had
they will have had |
I had
you had
he had
we had
you had
I had had
you had had
he had had
we had had
you had had
I should have
you would have
he would have
we should have
you would have
they would have | CONDICIONAL PERFECTO
I shouldhave had
you would have had
he would have had
we should have had
you would have had
they would have had |

Presente Simple
Pasado Simple
Presente Perfecto
Pasado Perfecto
Futuro Simple
Condicional Simple
Futuro Perfecto
Condicional Perfecto | FORMA INTERROGATIVA 
have I?
had I?
have I had?
had I had?
shall I have?
should I have?
shall I have had?
should I have had? | FORMANEGATIVA 
I have not
I had not
I have not had
I had not had
I shall not have
I should not have
I shall not have had
I should not have had |

Auxiliary: DO
He often arrives late for work.
When do you do your homework?
They don't take the bus to work.
Present Continuous
Use the present continuous when something is happening at or around the present moment in time. Thepresent continuous is often used with 'now, at the moment, currently, today'.
Auxiliary: BE
Jack is working on the report at the moment.
What are you doing?
Go ahead and take it. She isn't reading that book currently.
Present Perfect
Use the present perfect for: 
* Something which has happened up to the present moment
* Something which has happened at an unspecified point oftime in the past
* Something which has recently happened
Auxiliary: HAVE
They haven't done their work yet.
He's worked at this company since 1978.
Have you ever been to Rome?
Present Perfect Continuous
Use the present perfect continuous to express the duration of an activity that begins in the past and continues up to the present moment. In many cases BOTH the present perfectand present perfect continuous can be used.
Auxiliary: HAVE BEEN
We've been driving for three hours.
How long have you been sitting at that table?
They haven't been working here long.
Auxiliary Verbs are the verbs be, do, have, will when they are followed by another verb (the full verb) in order to form a question, a negative sentence, a compound tense or the passive.
The verb "be"The verb be can be used as an auxiliary and a full verb. As an auxiliary we use this verb for compound tenses and the passive voice. Note that be is an irregular verb:
Simple Present:
I am, he/she/it is, we/you/they are
Simple Past:
I/he/she/it was, we/you/they were
Past Participle:
You can tell that in the following sentences be is an auxiliary because it is followed by another...
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