
Páginas: 3 (541 palabras) Publicado: 5 de febrero de 2013
Spain during the 19th century

Reign of Fernando VII: Restoration

-What king restored absolutism in Spain after the defeat of Napoleonic forces?
Fernando VII son of Carlos IV and Maria Luisa ofParma restored absolutism on 4th of May of 1814.

-What happened in 1820 and what was the result of that event?
In 1820 there was a successful revolt against this return to absolutism led by Riegoand Quiroga, two army officers. As a result, Fernando VII restored the liberal Constitution of 1812 that contains the rights and freedoms that had been suppressed.

-How did the king react to therevolution of 1820?
He did not like the idea of restoring the liberal Constitution of 1812, because it was not beneficial for him, so in 1823 he asked the Holy Alliance (alliance formed by Russia,Austria and Prussia, all absolute monarchs, to help other European monarchs in the event of a revolution) support him in re-establishing absolutism.

-Explain the succession problem of Fernando VII,the Salic Law and the Pragmatic Sanction?
The problem with the succession of Fernando VII was caused because the monarch had no male heirs, and at this times there was a law established by Felipe Vthat did not allow females to inherit the throne called Salic Law, therefore led to revolts between ones that were in favour of abolish this law and the ones that no.
Finally, the king Fernando VII ,wrote pragmatic sanction (royal decree which had the same effects as a law) that allowed Isabel, his older daughter to become queen after his death.

Reign of Isabel II: from liberalmonarchy to republic

• What kind of upheavals did Spain experience after Fernando VII´s death?
Spain experienced a series of political upheaves in response of the succession problem of FernandoVII. These included conflicting claims to the throne, military revolts and demands for greater democracy.

• What kind of political system did Isabel II establish and what were the two main...
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