El principito


I - IV


The book begins with the narrator recalling his childhood and showing his drawing of a boa constrictor eating an elephant, that for older people, looked like a hat. To be understood better, decides to return to the boa translucent to reveal inside. But the elderly does not seem like it again and was advised to leave his untimely career as a painter. Over time, the narrator tells us, became a pilot, but never stopped thinking about his first drawing, and when I met someone over with some "clarity" that perhaps could understand his strokes, did not hesitate to show it. But no one understood and always had to be reasonable and admit that indeed, it was a hat.

            Due to the tone of the narrator in the first person and the parallels to the author's life, it may be a trait autobiographical in The Little Prince . However, with the passage of the facts and fantasy that are intermingled, rather than see a autobiographical feature (which is denied), must understand that the level of reflection and symbolization of the work that the author probably needed to conduct a thorough analysis itself, a self-discovery. As a result of this process, and to encourage self-analysis of the reader, the first-person narrator is a vehicle through which we can discover the intimate implications of the process, the thoughts and emotions arising in the narrator's encounter with the strange boy curly hair.


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