10 De agosto en ingles

Páginas: 5 (1224 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2011


NOV - 2011

10 AGUST 1809

It is difficult to determine when exactly was the begin of an independency, many concepts of what happened that August 10, 1809 has overcome. The episode has generated more than a just one theory, in sociologists and investigators. Here anexample. Jorge Salvador Lara says in one of his work´s that "... the aurora outburst was a blow Quito deep in the history of Spanish America, for it will begin the process of liberation of the whole American territory subject to the domination of the peninsular monarchs.”

These and many other theories suggest an analysis to reach an assessment of the facts, without falling into exaggeration andpassions, which are natural and understandable to patriotic feelings. Focusing more precisely in many chapters in the history of Ecuador, the will of liberty has spread over plenty years.

It should be mentioned that before the August 10, 1809 other people, as Bolivia staged similar actions which happened in the Ecuadorian capital, since the begin of Spain was conquered and make a revolution forthe liberty of their believes and thoughts. The dimension of the Primer Grito de Independencia, it is undeniable that San Francisco de Quito as a city of freedom, traditions and culture, deserves the flagship title of "Light of America".

Brief Chronology

The colonial era and its attendant social-economic discrimination encouraged discontent and rebellion of indigenous, mestizos and all nativepeople who felt under pressure oft the representatives of the Iberian monarchy.
These proposals were strengthened by the example of the United States and France, the precursors Antonio Nariño, Francisco de Miranda and the direction of Eugenio Espejo.
It was the perfect illusion to apply into their lifes, to search a meaning for their life and a reason to live and that was rejecting the SpanishPolicies and support the Quito royal policy, committing acts against the Spanish authorities, boards and advocates to the Royalty , Fernando VII, introduced in the Iberian Peninsula in support of the deposed monarch. In December 1808 put emphasis on its plans.
A board was founded with a only objective, they met at the farm-mill of Juan Montufar,, similar as supported the Spanish king.

Stepby step
Upon learning of the plans of Quito, the Spanish authorities ordered the capture of Juan Pio Montufar juntista, Juan Salinas, Juan de Dios Morales, Manuel Rodríguez de Quiroga, among others. After several steps regained their freedom and hastened his intentions. They met in different places in the homes of Juan Pablo Arenas, Manuela Cañizares and Javier Ascasubi.

On August 8, anincrease of debates and conversations. On the night of 9 are concentrated in the house of Cañizares who along with Juan de Dios Morales asked them to put aside fears and doubts. They did, and immediately signed a document analyzing the situation and explaining why they acted that way.

The turning point

Juan Salinas sought support from the cavalry commander, Joaquin Zaldumbide. While othercharacters were monarchical authorities to inform them that they had ceased their participation and functions inside Quito. Before Antonio advanced to the State House to announce the president of the Audiencia of Quito, Manuel Urriez (Conde Ruiz de Castilla), that the Board had dismissed Sovereign.
The plan was accomplished. On the morning of August 10, 1809 there was jubilation among supporters of thecause and the people. Juan Pio Montufar, Juan de Dios Morales, Juan Rodríguez de Quiroga and Juan Larrea became the principal dignitaries of the Supreme Council of Quito which was installed on August 11. Five days later, on 16, was solemnly proclaimed all proceedings in the Chapter House of the Convent of San Agustín.

The resistance

The royalty reacted immediately. Antonio Amar , Viceconde...
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