4 Skills self assess checklist

Páginas: 12 (2967 palabras) Publicado: 21 de agosto de 2012
Self-Assessment Checklists for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
Adapted for use in Japan by Miriam Davis from checklists produced by Carol J. Orwig, SIL

How to use these checklists.
1. Read each statement, and for each one circle the number which you feel best expresses how well you think you do when actually using the target language in specific, real-life situations. 2. If you feelthat a statement describes something you would never want to do in the language, disregard it. 3. Go back and look at your answers for each level. For example, look at the Intermediate Level tasks.If you have marked yourself as at least adequate for nearly all of the items then you can assume that you have achieved that level of proficiency. If you have marked yourself as adequate for about halfof the items, you may be in the upper range of the next lowest level. 1 = not at all 2 = barely 3 = somewhat 4 = adequately 5 = well 6 = extremely well

Checklist for Listening
Novice Level 0+ When someone is speaking the language: 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 1. I can understand the names of common objects 2. I can understand the names of common food and drink items 3. Ican understand the words for common actions 4. I can understand common greetings and farewell expressions 5. I can understand basic warnings and commands, such as STOP!, Watch out!, Be careful! 6. I can understand the most basic words describing the size, color, or age of a person or object 7. I can understand simple questions and statements that use words from the above categories

IntermediateLevel 1 to 1+ 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 1. I can follow someone giving me basic directions on how to get somewhere 2. I can understand greetings and other very commonly occurring social routines 3. I can understand questions about my personal background, family, and why I’m here in the country 4. I can understand questions about my personal interests andactivities, such as hobbies, sports, and subjects I know a lot about 5. I can understand short, routine telephone conversations well enough to be able to take a simple message for someone 6. I can understand bits and pieces of radio or TV announcements and news reports dealing with familiar topics or events I already know about 7. I can understand the description of a place or a person 8. If makingarrangements to meet somebody later, I can understand where and when to meet 9. In a shop, store, or market, I can understand the price, the amount of money


123456 123456

I need to pay and questions the shopkeeper might ask me about exactly what I want 10. I can pick out familiar words in conversations between native speakers, and if the topic is familiar, get the main ideas (although Imight not be able to understand all they are saying) 11. I can usually understand enough to carry on short conversations on concrete topics with friendly native speakers used to dealing with foreigners, if they make an effort to help me to understand

Advanced Level 2 to 2+ 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 Superior Level 3 123456 123456123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 1. I can understand the unspoken, emotional nuances of speakers in most communication situations 2. I can understand someone describing a complex object or procedure in detail 3. I can understand someone discussing an abstract, professional topic 4. I can understand people hypothesizing about what might happen in a certain situation 5. I canunderstand people debating an issue well enough to vote, if I had to 6. I can understand someone stating a personal point of view on a controversial subject 7. I can understand the reasons someone gives for deciding to act in a certain way 8. I can usually understand unspoken messages, as when people are hedging, evading an answer, or trying to get out of a commitment, but don’t say so in so many...
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