Abort Not A Good Way To "Escape"

Páginas: 5 (1208 palabras) Publicado: 3 de febrero de 2013
People are killing humans and they don’t even think about it. Abortion has always been a very controversial topic that has been the subject of debate many times. Some people are against abortion while others believe that it is the mother's choice whether or not to abort a child. A Gallup Poll (May, 2008) points out that “nearly six in 10 Americans believe either that abortion should be "legalonly in a few" circumstances (40%) or "illegal in all" (18%)”. No matter how many times this topic has been argued, abortion is and will always remain immoral. A young girl who got pregnant may think that she has to abort the child because it is going to ruin her life. But aborting is a murder and also it can be disastrous for a woman affecting her health or mental status. Abortion is killing ahuman, even though it is not born, and it should be illegal.
Every abortion stops a heart that begins beating 22 days after fertilization. Abortion is a big issue concerning women because for years it had been said that it is consider like a murder. “There are many reasons abortion should be illegal. Including the descriptive and disturbing stories about how aborted babies sometime scream asthey come out and the looks of pain on their faces” (The Worldwide Christian Community, 2011). Those who participate in abortion prefer to call the child “fetus” because killing a fetus sounds better than killing a human. The case is that abort is murdering even though it is a fetus, it is still living. It has every right to live. People say that just because it isn't born it doesn't matter, whenit really does. The fetus is still alive and growing. If you kill it, then you kill a living thing, and not just a living thing but your baby, your own child. Basically, if you think abortion is legal then you are saying that it is okay for you to go kill someone else for something they did to you, or for any other reason. Many pregnant girls have abortions because they got pregnant by a guy whowas just a one-night stand, or because their boyfriend left them after finding out. I don’t even understand how doctors or any other people who make an abort can see those fetuses, sometimes crying because they grow up enough, and continue doing it.
“In fewer than four decades, America has permitted the slaughter of more than 50 million tiny children. There has never been another slaughter asunjust and widespread as abortion because never has a human society destroyed so many of its young (Rose 2010, p.17)”. We all have the national right of the right to life since we appear in the womb of our mothers. A sacred right which gives us the right to live, and that nobody and nothing on earth can dispose of our lives. Discussion of the right to life has been widely debated even in thecourts, with the decision of the supreme court of the United States in Roe vs. Wade. Assuming that the fetus is a person, we can deduce that everyone has the right to life. So the fetus has a right to life. The mother is entitled to dispose of your body. But the right of an individual right to life is stronger than that, so that you can’t kill the fetus. By having an abortion, one is playing God. Thechild inside the mother's womb is not only the mother's child, but God's child as well. It is God's decision, not someone else's, whether He wants to kill a person or not. Some women did not protect themselves properly before engaging in the act of sexual intercourse, become pregnant, and explore the option of abortion. But just as we make the decision to have intimate relationships also have toassume the responsibilities involved in the event of a pregnancy and respect the right to life of that child that will be born.
There are many reasons a woman may have an unplanned pregnancy, but none justify terminating the pregnancy. President Obama (2010) argues “With respect to the abortion issue, I actually think — I mean, there are laws both federal, state and constitutional that are...
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