Aborto/ Abortion

Páginas: 4 (801 palabras) Publicado: 9 de octubre de 2012
What is abortion?

Abortion is the death of the product of conception and its expulsion of the maternal organism at any stage of prenatal development.

"Etymologically, abortion means'deprivation of birth' and comes from the Latin noun abortus,."

¿Qué es el aborto?
El aborto es la muerte del producto de la concepción y su expulsión del organismo materno en cualquier fase de sudesarrollo pre-natal.

"Etimológicamente, aborto significa 'privación de nacimiento' y proviene del substantivo latino abortus,.
Types of abortion

Spontaneous abortion
He is considered a miscarriage topregnancy loss before 26 weeks, when the fetus is not yet in a position to survive safely out of the womb. A miscarriage happens when a pregnancy ends abruptly.

Induced abortion
Induced abortionis the result of maneuvers deliberately practiced with the aim of disrupting the pregnancy. Operations can be carried out by the own pregnant or by another person on behalf of this.

Legal abortionLegal induced abortion is considered when it is carried out under the laws of the country where it is practiced.

Illegal abortion
Illegal or clandestine abortion is considered when it is madeagainst any of the laws of the country where it is practiced.

When abortion is prohibited by law, the circumstances make that many women seek to midwives or doctors that lend themselves tocollaborate. But the abortion in these circumstances is dangerous and maintains statistics of mortality

Tipos de aborto
Aborto Espontáneo
Se considera aborto espontáneo a la pérdida de la gestación antes delas 26 semanas, cuando el feto no está aún en condiciones de sobrevivir con garantías fuera del útero materno. Un aborto espontáneo ocurre cuando un embarazo termina de manera abrupta.
El aborto inducido es el resultante de maniobras practicadas deliberadamente con ánimo de interrumpir el embarazo. Las maniobras pueden ser realizadas por la propia embarazada o por otra persona...
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