Administracion turismo hoteleria

Páginas: 24 (5892 palabras) Publicado: 29 de octubre de 2009
Pupil: José Manuel Longhi Díaz.
Section: Fray Jorge Zapater.
I harrow: 3ro of secondary.
Course: Ingles
Puno's Department
The region Puno finds himself localized in the of the southeast saw domestic in the Collao's Meseta to: 13°0066'00 ” and 17°17'30 ” of southern latitude and them 71°06'57 ” and 68°48'46 ” of length West of Greenwich's meridian. Limit for theSouth, with the region Tacna. For the East, with the República of Bolivia and for the West, with Cusco's regions, Arequipa and Moquegua. The region Puno finds in the high plateau among them 3,812 and 5,500 msnm and among the eyebrow of jungle and the high Selva among them 4,200 and 500 msnm. He fits in to mention than the capital, Puno, she is located by the side of the Lago Titicaca.

Capital:Puno, with 3.820 msnm's altitude. Also he is acquaintance I have a meal “ The silver City.

Maximum temperature becomes of 22. The halfway temperature in Puno in summer becomes of 15 For the distance with the same one.

• Capital: 3827 msnm ( Puno ).
• Half-note: 820 msnm ( Lanlacuni down).
• Maxim: 4725 msnm ( Esquilache's St. Antonio ).
Geography:-More important Rivers: Suche, Huancané, Ramis, Coata, Ilave, Desaguadero and St. Gabán.
-Lakes: Titicaca ( the navigable lake higher worldly ) and Arapa.
-Lagoons: Lagunillas, Saca Cocha and Umayo.

✓ In the lake Titicaca: Amantaní, Taquile, Chirita nº1,Soto,Chirita nº2, Ustute, Quipata, Chilata, Suasi, Esteves.
✓In the lake Huinaimarca: Sicaya, Lote, Caana, Pataguata and Yuspique.
-Snow-covered: Viscachani ( 6.000 msnm ) and Ananea Grande ( 5.830 msnm ).
-Leaves: Cross Laca ( to 4.850 msnm ) and Sipitlaca ( to 4.800 msnm ) in Chucuito; Iscay Cruz ( to 4.800 msnm ) in San Antonio of Putina; Susuyo ( to 4.375 msnm ) in Carabaya.

Agricultural activity is the principal occupation inthe region, weigh to frequent them frosts, droughts or floodings. Agricultural work has a seasonal character, what affects the population's economy. Potato, quinoa, barley Are sown, cañihua, goose and broad beans. He is the first producer of ovine and auquénidos and, therefore, woolen, the second productive national comes from trouts in order to exporting in the country. tourism is an economicactivity important. His mining production is silver, gold, I tin, uranium and I seal with lead . St. Gabán's hydroelectric main station provides energy to the region.

Agriculture is bound up with the climatological conditions as the floodings, frosts and droughts.
On the other hand the irrigation infrastructure is too little. Craft technology Is utilized and over the 90.Cattle raising:
Cattle raising is activity but important of this department. Puno is the first producer of Vacunos, flames, German silvers, vicunas, horses and ovine.
Cattle raising is limited for climatic factors, since he suffered one fortress drought in the years 1982 and 1983, that he reduced sorts.

The Lago Titicaca produces a varied and numerous life hidrobiológica.
The sorts butthe trout, the pejerrey, the carachi, ishpi and the suche are good grades. The fishing comes true craftly either individual or familiar.

Agricultural Production:
He eats without chewing ( the second producer nationally ), corn, wheat, quinoa, kiwicha, once was baited, cassava, brown cocoa and fruit trees.

Little and middling mining Is hit upon. The more important mining centersare San Antonio's auriferous deposits of Poto, uranium deposit of Huiquisa, and I seal with lead and silver in Berenguela.

He instructs:
This activity is less developed than the previous. The industry he comes together at the center in Juliaca and Puno.

The textile line stands out In handicraft.

Public and private High schools: Total: 2.708.
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