Administrador De Empresas

Páginas: 5 (1075 palabras) Publicado: 19 de diciembre de 2012

Objetivo: Conocer el aprendizaje logrado por el aprendiz mediante las actividades aquí propuestas.

Indicaciones: Pegue este documento en una hoja Word, desarrolle la actividad, cuando la tenga lista, haga clic en fórum, luego en proyecto final, luego en secuencia, en asunto coloca my Project y en mensaje pega el documento. No envíe archivos, solo eldocumento.

1-Haga su presentación de su ciudad en ingles

2-Describa su casa en ingles

3-Responda las siguientes preguntas:

a- How many brothers and sisters do you have?

b-What is your favorite color? Why?

c-What places in the world do you want to know?

d-Who is your best friend?

e-What do you do for living?

4-Escriba lo que se indica en ingles:

a-The ten cities moreimportant in the world

b-Ten Rivers in the world

c-the dates more important in your country

d-tools that you use in your daily life

e-Names of the places in your city that you visit frequently

5-Investigue acerca de:

a-De Australia y su cultura.

b-Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones.

C-La ecología y su defensa en el mundo.

D-Como aprenderingles?

e-Las oportunidades que usted tiene en el mundo de hoy
Felicitación por su interés en el ingles. La inglés es puerta para el éxito laboral de las personas.



1-Haga su presentación de su ciudad en ingles

* Hello...
My name is Lilia Ortega live in the town of Corozal-Sucre; this Isa harmonious place rich in tradition and enjoys beautiful women and peoplefriendly and affectionate wit hall who visit...
Corozal easy to visit...difficult to forget.

2-Describa su casa en ingles

* My house is located in the northern town of Corozal exactly in the neighbor hood on august 7Clle45Cra21H-03.
This consists of a living room, kitchen two bedrooms and a bathroom, my house is pink.

3-Responda las siguientes preguntas:

A -How many brothersand sisters do you have?

* I have four brothers and four sisters.

B-What is your favorite color? Why?

* Actually I have a color that I like especially because I really like the colors in general, but I most attention are: pink green and blue.
I like these because I identify with them by my simplicity and sweetness.

C-What places in the world do you want to know?

* Iwould love to know or know much about Mexico, Canada, and Brazil, and of course I would love to learn to country, COLOMBIA.

D-Who is your best friend?

* I have two best friends Eva Vital and Rosa Mendoza; these girls were always by my side to support me all the time and me thank God for knowing them.

e-What do you do for living?

* work in the field I work in the evenings to workin an office to pay interest, through this employment survive in life and effort being made by me every day to be better than if you as a person and professional.

4-Escriba lo que se indica en inglés:

a-The ten cities more important in the world.

From the cultural point of view.
1 New York
2 Tokio
3 Hong Kong
4 Londres
5 Beijing 

Desde el punto de vista cultural.
1. Londres2. Bangkok
3. París
4. Singapur
5. Hong Kong

b-Ten rivers in the world

* El rio Amazonas
* El rio Nilo
* El rio Mississippi
* El rio Parana
* El rio Danubo
* El rio Volga
* El rio Ganges
* El rio Huang-ho
* El rio Yang-Tsé

c-the dates more important in your country.

* May 15: Teacher's Day
* 14-15 day of Love and Friendship
*November 1: All Saints Day
* 18 - International Day of Trading
* 24 - Day Announcer
* 27 - International Theatre Day
* 10 - Veterinary Day
* 12 - Mother's Day in Colombia (2nd Sunday in May)
* 12 - Nurses Day
* 12 - Statehood Day

d-tools that you use in your daily life.

The tools I use in my daily life can be, dress clothes, a toothbrush, a very important resource...
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