Alcohol policy in sweden and in france

Páginas: 4 (768 palabras) Publicado: 18 de febrero de 2011
Alcohol Policy in Sweden and in France

The alcohol consumption is responsible for 7,4 % of ill-health and premature deaths: 115.000 deaths before the age of 70 years old in European Union.Naturally, it involves a social cost: 125 billion euros in 2003. In addition, alcohol provokes also accidents, raises criminality, reduces productivity etc: the real cost is difficult to estimate butwithout any doubt it is very important. This is why it is necessary for the public authorities to have a prevention policy, especially among young people whose the consumption is often discussed.Swedish people consumed 9,3 liters of pure alcohol per capita among people aged 15 years old. Sweden is known to have a restrictive alcohol policy. The legal age for consumption is 20 years old. Moreover,the State has the monopoly on the alcohol sales and alcohol can only be bought in Systembolaget shops, created in 1955. More, the opening time are regulated, 10 am to 5 pm on the week. Finally, thetaxes on alcohol are very high and products are taxed until 70% depending on the pourcentage of alcohol in the drink.

Alcohol is a very complicated issue. In Sweden the monopoly is often criticized.Indeed the system can be easily by-passed, youngs often have older friends to buy alcohol for them. Many Swedish go abroad to buy alcohol, we can speak about an alcohol tourism: Germany, Denmark etc.Furthermore the European Union condemned Sweden in June 2007 for obstruction to free circulation of alcohol. The relation of Swedish people with alcohol is complex, alcohol is considered as a taboo,Swedish drink less frequently that many others europeans (French, Portuguese etc) but they have the reputation to drink a lot when they do. The alcohol sales by the State are also very profitable, aprofitability not always popular.

In France, 12,6 liters of pure alcohol were consumed in 2007 per capita among people aged 15 years old (Insee). This higher number in comparison with Sweden can...
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