
Páginas: 2 (390 palabras) Publicado: 16 de febrero de 2012
| Fecha: 18-2-2012Lección: 13 |
Proyecto: Discovering the taste of food. |
Tareas: 1. Identificar diferentes alimentos 1. Identificar el color de los diferentes alimentos 2.Diferenciar los alimentos que se comen y los alimentos que se beben 3. Pedir lo que quiere por medio de señas (o negar lo que no quiere con la cabeza) 4. Pedir “mas” cuando quiere más. |Conocimientos lingüísticos: comida, colores primarios (rojo, amarillo y azul) y secundarios (anaranjado, verde, morado), “más” (quiero más)
Sustantivos: banano, manzana, agua, jugo, sandía, galleta, queso,leche, helado, (otros alimentos) coloresVerbos: comer, beber, gustar, querer, no querer, no comer, no beber. |
Descubrimiento sociocultural: Sweet and Salty. |
Fonética: my first |
Material:Laptop , plastic food, plastic baby with the baby´s accessories | Actividades: 1. Sing Welcome to school song while dancing with Kaily on her feet. 2. Tell her thestory of the five monkeys jumping on the bed, first by having the 5 stuffed monkeys jumping on the bed and following the story by listening to the song. 3. Watch the video of the story with Kaily nursery rhymes. 4. Count until 5 with the monkeys, and with fishes. 5. Exercises: Kaily dances to the rhythm of music, play up and down, turnaround. 6. Review basic body parts with the frog and paste the correct drawings on her body. 7. Have a bag full of things to taste, ice cream, apple figure, water. 8. Show Kaily , taste mmmmmand make sounds with her. 9. Feed the plastic baby with the food and help Kaily to grab the spoon or the apple and pretend she is feeding her. 10. With the sweet food her mom brought,specifically say, apple hmmm if its apple and so on, Kaily tastes. 11. Place in front of Kaily all the sweets and toys from food and classify them by saying out loud the names. 12. Teach Kaily the song:...
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