
Páginas: 4 (887 palabras) Publicado: 12 de mayo de 2012
ibWASHINGTON, UNITED STATES. - For a few years have beencirculating on the Internet, a number of rumors about the supposed endof the world in 2012 of our calendar (between 21 and 25 December of thatyear), corresponding to the end of cycle of the three cyclessimultaneously passed the Mayan calendar called the Long Count orKatun.

It is stated in videos and writings of the world to come,not as apocalyptictold in the Bible, but apparently written as a rebirth as the followers of this new kind of sectarian belief, "According to the Mayan Long CountCalendar, the December 21, 2012 is the end ofthis human civilization. Humans enter a new civilization, which has no relation to this. the Mayan people did not mention the cause. One thing is clear: the last day does not mean the arrivalof any calamity, instead of this, implies a whole newcosmic awareness and spiritual transition to the new civilization. "

first prophecy

The world of hate and materialism will end on Saturday22 December2012 and with it the end of fear, in this day mankind will have to choose between thinking disappear as a species that threatens to destroy the planet or move towards the harmonious integration with thewhole universe, understanding and becoming aware of everything is alive andwe are part of that whole and that we exist in a new era of light. 

second prophecy

This announced thatall human behavior change rapidly from the solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, and today we saw a ring of fire against the sky, an eclipse was unprecedented in history, the cosmic cross alignmentcentered on the land ofalmost all the planets in the solar system ispositioned in the four signs of the zodiac, which are the signs of the fourevangelists, the four guardians of the throne to star in the Apocalypse of St.John.
third prophecy

Maya says that a heat wave will raise the temperature of the planet, causing climatic changes, geological and social unprecedented magnitude and extraordinary...
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