Are There Any Universal Values

Páginas: 2 (334 palabras) Publicado: 29 de enero de 2013
January 29 of 2013
Mateo Salomón Rodríguez Salazar

On this essay I review the origins of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the universal influence ofthis document and finish with a conclusion on whether this declaration should be universal.
The UDHR was consequence of the Second World War, because they (allies) wanted to have some universalrights inherent to every human being to clean their conscience for the crimes against humanity committed during the wars. However, the document was created in the west for the world; it was createdby the winning side of the Second World War.
Moreover, imposing democracy and the UDHR on the world, can also destroy internal values of each Nation-State, which make each strong. In other words,democracy and the UDHR can also be seen as a strategy to weaken other states, in order to maintain power over the world.
Furthermore, it is well-known how the UDHR has influenced the internal lawof different countries around the world, including Colombia. On one hand, the UDHR has a material influence over the internal regulation of various states, i.e. the Colombian Political Constitutionon its article 1 states that every human being is born equal and free. On the other hand, the UDHR has an intangible influence over the states, because it puts pressure on the countries to striveto promote these rights, therefore countries that want to keep good relations have to accept and promote this declaration.
To conclude, it is important to note that applying this bill of rightseverywhere does not necessarily mean that people will be better off. If we look at the Islamist countries, we can conclude that not everybody is happy with those rights and that is the reason whythey brought out the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam. Thus, to have any universal values, it needs to be taken into account that the plurality of ideas and beliefs has to be respected.
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