Articulo sobre tecnolodia

Páginas: 3 (501 palabras) Publicado: 15 de febrero de 2011
A robot with sensitive hands
The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology (IPK) in Berlin (Germany) has created a robot with a sensitivity in the finger tip that allows youto even hold an egg without breaking it.

El autómata, bautizado como “pi4-workerbot” , cuenta con unas proporciones similares a las humanas y tiene dos brazos articulados que funcionanindependientemente y que “le permiten pasarse piezas de una mano a otra”. The robot, named "PI4-workerbot", has some human-like proportions and has two articulated arms that operate independently and that "youcan spend part of one hand to another." Además de una articulación rotatoria en el hombro, Workerbot dispone de un mecanismo de giro equivalente a la muñeca humana . In addition to a rotating joint inthe shoulder, has a mechanism Workerbot speed equal to the human wrist. Por si fuera poco, cuenta con tres cámaras: una sofisticada cámara tridimensional (3D) situada en su frente, para percibir elentorno, y dos destinadas a labores de inspección. To make matters worse, it has three chambers: a sophisticated camera (3D) located in his forehead, to perceive the environment, and two for inspectionwork. "Al disponer de dos cámaras distintas, puede examinar un aspecto con el ojo izquierdo y otro con el derecho", explica Matthias Krinke, Director Gerente de pi4-Robotics, la empresa responsable dela comercialización del robot . "Having two different cameras, you can examine an issue with the left eye and another with the law," explains Matthias Krinke, Managing Director of PI4-Robotics, thecompany responsible for marketing the robot .

No obstante, lo más interesante de pi4-workerbot es que los investigadores también lo han dotado de sensibilidad en la yema dactilar , suficiente parasujetar un huevo sin romperlo . However, the most interesting thing is that PI4-workerbot researchers have also endowed with sensation in the finger tip, enough to hold an egg without breaking it. A...
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