Bachue And Bochica Ensayo

Páginas: 4 (994 palabras) Publicado: 4 de noviembre de 2012
Bachue and Bochica: A Muiscas creation myth
The beginning of everything has always been a mystery and, therefore, a topic of study for humanity. Obviously, there were no witnesses or records aboutthe how everything took form so we base our knowledge in studies and theories. Nowdays, science has given us a very close idea about how the beginning was. However, ancient civilizations explainedtheir existence with magic concepts and beings. One of these ancient civilizations was the Muiscas, who inhabited in South America where the country of Colombia is today. They attributed the beginning ofall to a god. Also, they claimed that they were descendants of the same person, a person sent from their god to fulfill a task. The story of Bachue and Bochica, as it is traditionally known, tellsthe way the Muiscas conceived the creation. This ancient myth is developed based in the creation of universe from the darkness and the light as first element, the human creation and develop, and thedestruction and rebirth of a new civilization.
First, it describes how the universe and the earth were formed from the darkness. For the Muiscas, Chiminigagua was the eternal god. His light was the onlyone that existed before the universe took form. Then he created two black birds with light in their beaks and threw them into space to spread the light across the universe. As a result, the universewas illuminated and “Bague,” mother earth, was created. This first part of the myth explains that they also believed that everything has a beginning except Chiminigagua, their god. Comparatively, theMuiscas thought that only the light was able to change a universe that was dark and inhabited. Recently, we discovered that life also exists where there is no light. However, for many centuries thelight was associated with life. In fact, people observed how the lack of light could affect plants, animals or even themselves. Therefore, light was associated for the Muiscas and maybe for other...
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