Bacterias En Las Manos

Páginas: 7 (1630 palabras) Publicado: 11 de julio de 2012

The objective of this project is to demonstrate how effective is to wash your hands to kill bacteria in them. As we know and had been taught we need to wash our hands before every meal, but I think that antibacterial soap is not as effective as they say it to be. rather than that I think that cheaper products like alcohol can be more effective than this expensive kind of soaps.What I will try to prove in this project is that the normal and antibacterial soaps that we usually buy in Guatemalan communities are not that effective, and that their effect lasts for only a few hours or minutes. By the hand i will expose which bacteria's can be found in our hands in normal conditions and how dangerous are this bacteria's. also i will expose how are some cleaning soapscomposed and which chemicals are beneficial for health and how many time would they last in the hand.


The objective of this work is to state the effectiveness of washing products that we use every day.


Are normal soaps effective against bacteria in hands?


The normal and antibacterial soaps would be effective in the cleaning of your hands.Although alcohol disinfectants would be better products to use to kill bacterium in your colonies.

The domain bacteria:

The bacteria domain is made by unicellular and prokaryotic organisms. their cells are made of an outer thick and rigid wall, that surrounds the cell membrane. This walls are made of a substance named peptidoglycan, this substance is made of a polysaccharide attached toshort linked oligopeptides that are found in the cell wall of eubacteria. Bacteria are ecologically diverse, since they are many free living organism that are not harmful but some of them are deadly parasites. Also in fact there are some of this type of organisms that undergo photosynthesis, others are aerobic while others are anaerobic.

This domain of living things is divided into twosub-domains, eubacteria and archaebacteria:

The first sub-domain is the Archaebacteria this type of bacteria have three subdivisions, the methanogens, halophiles, and the thermoacidophiles. the first type of archaebacteria the Methanogens transform carbon dioxide and hydrogen into methane gas. the Halophiles are bacteria that live in salty habitats like the dead sea or the Great Salted Lake. Andthe third type of Archaebacteria are the bacteria that live in acidic and very hot places, near geysers or in hot springs.

The second sub-domain of bacteria are the eubacteria, this sub domain is highly diverse. This domain contains four phyla (sub-groups), this type of bacteria are the ones that we commonly refer to, because they live in our same conditions, mostly. This bacteria can befound almost everywhere in our daily life. Also this type of Bacteria are more complex than the Archaebacteria.

The first domain of eubacteria to be exposed are the cyanobacteria. This bacteria were know as blue-green algae because of the color they get when they reach the top of the lakes or ponds. This type of bacteria produce their own energy through photosynthesis like plants. This bacteriagive oxygen as a product of photosynthesis.

The other domain of eubacteria are the Spirochetes, which are gram negative bacteria, with a spiral shape and are heterotrophic. Some of this bacteria are aerobic while others are anaerobic. They live symbiotically or they can be parasites some of this bacteria can cause disease. An example of this is the Triponema Pallidum which causes Syphilis.Gram-Positive bacteria is another type of eubacteria, not every bacteria in this sub-domain are gram-positive but they share many similarities so they are grouped together. This phyla contains the group -coccus and other groups like -bacillus. Some -coccus like streptococcus can cause severe disease like strep throat. And also the staphylococcus that can cause infections in the skin....
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