Badminton is a racquet sport that can be played by two people or four couples. Lo que lo hace particular es que en lugar de una pelota normal, se juega con un proyectil que tiene insertadas varias plumas en él. What makes it special is that instead of a normal ball, is played with a projectile that has inserted several pens in it. Este especial objeto está hecho así paraque no lo desvíe el viento. This special object is done so as not to deflect the wind. Este deporte, que requiere muchas condiciones físicas y habilidades en los participantes, puede ser jugado entre hombres, entre mujeres y también en forma mixta. This sport, which requires many physical conditions and abilities of participants, can be played between men and women in mixed form. Unlike otherracquet sports, in badminton is not played ball , but with a bullet called Volante or pen (badminton , fly or pen, which consists of a hemisphere (as a ball) at the base surrounded by feathers . Such a design provides the path drag projectile , giving rhythm to the movements and preventing their diversion in windy conditions. Also competitions are held indoors ORIGEN The origin of badminton datesback to Ancient Greece and Egypt to spread after India, China and Thailand. Se sabe también que en Japón se jugaba un deporte similar llamado Hanetsuki en el siglo XVI. It is also known in Japan playing a similar sport called Hanetsuki in the sixteenth century. En cuanto a Europa, en Inglaterra se jugaba el Battledore and Shuttlecock que se convirtió en un juego muy popular. In Europe, England isplaying the Battledore and Shuttlecock who became a very popular game. En Pune (India) se jugó por oficiales de la Armada Británica en 1860. In Pune (India) was played by British army officers in 1860. El juego tomó el nombre de Poona. The game took the name of Poona. Finalmente, en 1873, se le comenzó a nombrar “el juego de Badminton” debido a que el duque de Beaufort lo practicaba en su fincallamada Badminton House. Finally, in 1873, he began to name "the Badminton game" because the Duke of Beaufort at his estate practiced it called Badminton House. Bádminton es el nombre que prevaleció y por el cual se le conoce hoy. Badminton is the name prevailed and which is known today. | |
The first badminton club was formed in Bath , Russia , in 1873 . El juego se implantó en losEstados Unidos en 1890 y también fue introducido en Canadá . The game was implemented in the United States in 1890 and was also introduced in Canada . La Asociación Nacional de Bádminton (ANB) de los Estados Unidos fue creada en 1895 . National Badminton Association (ANB) of the United States was created in 1895 . En esa época se unificaron las reglas. At that time the rules were unified. LaAsociación Canadiense de Bádminton fue fundada en 1931 y la Asociación Norteamericana de Bádminton en 1936 . The Badminton Association of Canada was founded in 1931 and the American Association of Badminton in 1936 . Para 1910 ya había 300 clubes de bádminton y su número se elevó a 9000 poco después de la Primera Guerra Mundial . For 1910 there were 300 clubs and badminton and their number rose to 9000shortly after the First World War .
El primer torneo de campeonato para hombres y mujeres de Inglaterra se celebró en 1899 , y el primero para mujeres y hombres en 1900 . The first tournament championship for men and women of England was held in 1899 , and first for women and men in 1900 . Los primeros campeonatos norteamericanos se efectuaron en 1937 en Chicago y Toronto . The first Americanchampionships were held in 1937 in Chicago and Toronto .
Desde 1992 pasó a ser deporte olímpico . From 1992 it became an Olympic sport
The playing field
The total track width is 6.1 meters and individual is reduced to 5.18 meters. La longitud total es de 13,4 metros. The total length is 13.4 meters
The service areas are defined by a center line dividing the width of the track, the short...
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