Banco De Gramática Inglés Primaria

Páginas: 12 (2787 palabras) Publicado: 31 de julio de 2011
1. Countable and uncountable nouns

A) Are these nouns countable (c) or uncountable (u)?

1 fruit ___
2 coconut ___
3 bread ___
4 DVD ___
5 meat ___
6 insect ___
7 snack ___

2. Expressions of quantity

A) Write words in the correct order:

1. American an she’s girl [pic]
2. expensive holiday an it’s [pic]
3. sad you are why? [pic]
4. are beautiful girl you a [pic]
5. anjob interesting it’s [pic]
6. handsome is husband my [pic]
7. Spanish you are? [pic]
8. very I’m hungry [pic]

B) Complete the sentences. Use a / an, some and any

1. I want _____ juice.
2. There’s _____ meat in the dish.
3. Has she got _____ map?
4. Have you got _____ money?
5. He needs _____ snack.
6. It’s _____ Italian pizza.

C) Complete the rules. Use a / an, some and any.1. We use _____ in negative sentences and questions with all nouns.
2. We use _____ in affirmative sentences with all nouns.
3. We use _____, _____ or numbers with countable nouns.

D) Write much or many :

1. I don't have _________ time.
2. He hasn't got _________ money.
3. We don't have ____________ questions.
4. Do you know ____________ people here?
5. Thatlibrary doesn't have ____________ books.
6. There isn't ____________ cheese in the fridge.
7. They don't drink ____________ coffee.
8. Jill can't find ____________ jobs in the newspaper.
9. Have you made ____________ mistakes in your homework?
10. I don't have ____________ water. I'll buy some at the shop.

E) Circle the correct words.

1. We´ve got much / a lot of rice.
2.There aren´t much / many people here.
3. My sister eats a lot of / many sweets.
4. There aren´t much / many vegetarians in my school.
5. There aren´t a lot of / much vegetables.
6. I don´t drink much / many juice.

F) Complete with much, many ,a few, a little:

|[pic] |1.  | Do you have  [pic] questions? |¿Tienes muchas preguntas? |
|[pic]|2.  |Yes, I have  [pic] questions. |Sí, tengo muchas preguntas |
|[pic] |3.  |I have  [pic] questions. |Tengo demasiadas preguntas |
|[pic] |4.  |No, I don't have  [pic] questions. |No, no tengo muchas preguntas |
|[pic] |5.  |I have  [pic] questions. |Yo tengo unaspocas preguntas |
|[pic] |6.  |Do you drink  [pic] milk? |¿Bebes mucha leche? |
|[pic] |7.  |Yes, I drink  [pic] milk. |Sí, bebo mucha leche |
|[pic] |8.  |I drink  [pic] milk. |Bebo demasiada leche |
|[pic] |9.  |No, I don'tdrink  [pic] milk. |No, no bebo mucha leche |
|[pic] |10.  |I drink  [pic] milk. |Yo bebo poca leche |

3. Adverbs of frequency

A) Rewrite the sentence putting the adverb given in brackets into its proper position.

He plays on the computer. (always)
He always plays on the computer.
1. He listens tothe radio. (often)
2. They read a book. (sometimes)
3. Pete gets angry. (never)
4. Tom is very friendly. (usually)
5. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes) ________________________________________
6. Ramon is hungry.(often)
7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always) _____________________________________________
8. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually) _____________________________________________
9. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never) _____________________________________________
10. Christine smokes after dinner. (seldom)...
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