Baudelaire: Vida Y Obra

Páginas: 2 (274 palabras) Publicado: 27 de mayo de 2012
30 Days Shipping Challenge

30 Day Shipping Meme

Day 1: What is your current favorite ship?

Day 2: What was your very first ship?

Day 3: A pairingthat needs to happen now.

Day 4: The pairing with the most chemistry.

Day 5: The pairing with the least chemistry.

Day 6: The best kiss.

Day 7:The most heartbreaking scene.

Day 8: The pairing with the most baggage.

Day 9: The most believable relationship.

Day 10: Why aren’t these twomarried?

Day 11: What is your dream pairing?

Day 12: Who had the best wedding?

Day 13: What is your favorite movie pairing?

Day 14: What is yourfavorite book pairing?

Day 15: What is your favorite real life pairing?

Day 16: What is the absolute worst pairing?

Day 17: A pairing you never thoughtwould work, but did.

Day 18: What is the cutest pairing?

Day 19: A pairing you’ve rooted for since the beginning.

Day 20: Thecan’t-stand-the-sexual-tension pairing.

Day 21: A pairing you like and no one else understands why.

Day 22: A pairing you hate and no one understands why.

Day 23: A crazylove triangle/quadrilateral that worked out great.

Day 24: A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out badly.

Day 25: A pairing that was/would-beadorable, but could never work out.

Day 26: A pairing that you hated and ended up loving.

Day 27: A pairing that you loved and ended up hating.

Day28: A pairing that you will never understand.

Day 29: What ship had the bed proposal?

Day 30: Your favorite pairing forever and ever and ever!
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  • la vida y la obra
  • Vida Y Obra
  • Vida Y Obra
  • Vida y obra
  • Vida y obra

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