Behind the positive in the industrial revolution

Páginas: 3 (750 palabras) Publicado: 7 de abril de 2011
Behind the positive in the Industrial Revolution
Since 1750 there have been some changes. Europe is starting to develop and to modernize, on industrialize. Many factories have been created andquicker and easier ways have been invented to produce objects with better quality and more amounts on less time. The people from the country are starting to go to the city and the bourgeoisie and lowerclasses are now able to win more money and achieve a higher class. This brings a lot of good things to Europe, but also some bad. The industrial revolution does not only have good effects, it has somebad. So it is a good thing for the modernization but it has negative impacts on people, workers, and cities. The industrial revolution comes with all kinds of effects.
The industrial revolution bringsa lot of good things. The making of objects is much quicker. With the new machines instead of by hand making 1 object in like 7 hours, you can make 10 per minute. The machines are much quicker and itmakes the objects with better qualities, and you don’t have to use your hands and get hurt or tired. Also the railroad was invented so now it is easier to transport resources or objects to other partsof the continent. The steam engine was also created so it is easier for boats to travel. Instead of waiting for wind to blow you can travel more quickly. The same is for the railroads and otherinventions that used coal for engine instead of other slower resources. Another positive effect is that the bourgeoisie could reach higher classes by investing in business and getting more money. Now manymore people had more economic and job opportunities.
Yes, it brought a lot of positive things, but it also came with negative effects. These new machines and all the new inventions like the steamengine were more effective, but they also brought pollution. All the new factories that were open pollute the air with the smoke or pollute the water by sending their wastes to rivers or oceans nearby....
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