
Páginas: 2 (480 palabras) Publicado: 26 de junio de 2012

Republic situated in the northeast part of Central America that limits: at the north with Mexico, at the east with the Caribbean Sea, at the south and west with Guatemala.
The origin ofthe name Belize is relatively unclear, but one theory is that it derives from the Spanish pronunciation of the surname of the pirate who created the first settlement in Belize (1638) Peter Wallace,but the first name of this country was “Honduras Británica” until 1973, when the country got the independence in September of 1981; and now is a member of the Commonwealth. It has a surface of 22.965km².

The north of Belize has a lot of boggy zones. The south has a lot of mountains like “Montes Maya” that reach the 1122 m.
The Caribbean Coast is border by a reef that is the second bigger in theworld.
Belize also has a lot of islands, forests, lakes and a rivers that’s why the UNESCO declared it like “natural patrimony in the humanity”
The climate in Belize is subtropical with oceansbreeze. The annual temperature is of 26,1°C. The wild fauna of Belize has animals like: jaguars, deers and many species of birds and reptiles.

Belize is a predominantly Christian society. RomanCatholicism is accepted by about half of the population, and Protestantism by about a quarter.
Much of the remaining population is comprised of Taoists, Buddhists and more recently introduced religions likeJainists, Islam, and Bahá'í. Religious freedom is guaranteed and churches dot the streets of Belize almost as frequently as places of business; Catholics frequently visit the country for specialgospel revivals.
Jehovah's Witnesses have also enjoyed significant increase in recent years and now make up around 2% of the population.

The ethnic composition of the population is a result of a mixedof cultures so Belize is a country of various languages, cultures and ethnic groups. Approximately 270,000 people in Belize consist of Creole, Garifuna, Mestizo, Spanish, Maya, English, Mennonite,...
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