
Páginas: 3 (712 palabras) Publicado: 2 de octubre de 2011
The Story of the Great Three Tree Tribes:
After thousands of years of neglecting our patient mother Gaia, she decided it was enough, when a select group of her beloved humanity attempted to achievecontrol over The Free Ones. Exploiting and exhausting them and the very soil that sustained them until life became impossible. She started new, from scratch as only she can so gracefully do. And sohistory was reborn… humanity retook the ways of the earth again and lived in a sustainable system for many years. It didn’t take long before the new children of earth rediscovered the false-gods of thelast failed civilizations; Gods of Egoism, Gods of Lies, Gods of Power, Gods of Capitalism, Gods of Globalization, Gods of Antagonizing Religious Beliefs. Soon the Great Tree Tribe became three.United by earth, separated by reasons nor Gaia nor myself could understand.
It got divided into The Great Tree Tribe of The Jungle, Ocean and Magma:
The Jungle people where social but mad, they livedamong the monsters and had little to no interest in knowledge, and knowing this, his king exploits them… so he’s called The Greedy One.
The Ocean People where exclusive and shallow, they only caredabout pleasures and beauty just like her queen… so she’s called The Shallow One.
The Magama people where aggressive and self destructive, so they perish soon leaving the last of he’s kind who proclaimedhimself King Magma… a poor lonely soul who had only the company of Harpies in his floating lava castle… so he’s called The Lonely One.
Now they have fallen victims of bigger new powerful creaturesGaia created to control human’s dangerous development; The All-seeing Eye, The Hideous Worm and the Emissary of Death.

It’s your job as a True Child of the Earth to save them so they can have asecond chance to reconsider their twisted ways.

This map isn’t finished yet… it’s just an idea I’ve been working on these past three nights (I just got over a storm and got no tv XD)
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