Book Report De Robin Hood En Ingles

Páginas: 6 (1286 palabras) Publicado: 12 de febrero de 2013
Mr. Barrantes
Mr. Membreno
English class
10th May 2012

Robin Hood
In 2007 the book Robin Hood by Stephen Colbourn was genre and the editorial is McMillan readers.
Robin Hood was born in the small town of Locksley in Nottinghamshire.
The king needed archers for his army, so the king ordered youngmen to practice archery. Archers could win food and drink and sometimes money. The biggest archery competition was held in Nottingham. The prize was one hundred golden crowns.
Robin could hit a target at 500 paces. He was afraid the king would take Robin to fight in his army.
No man could cut wood or shoot a deer in Sherwood Forest. The foresters looked after the trees and the deer.
Theylaughed at Robin because he was going to enter the archery contest, in Nottingham. They thought that he was too young.
If a man killed a deer, his ears and fingers would be cut off. The foresters had eaten a drunk too much. They could not run fast enough. Robin Hood had killed the leader of the foresters, who was the sheriff’s cousin, the sheriff heard the townspeople talking about Robin Hood.Will Stutely was the first man to join Robin. They were outlaws (men who had not paid their taxes or who had killed a deer) The outlaws ate deer, fish, berries and wild corn. The outlaws’ weapons were bows, arrows and quarter-staffs. They moved every day to stop the foresters found them. The clearing was at the top of a slope. It was hidden by a wall of trees and protected by a ring of stones. Itwas a safe, pleasant place. Robin blew the horn many times, to call all his mans to the clearing.
The camp was easy to guard cuz the narrow path was the only way in. Robin Hood wanted news of travelers’ money and weapon. A branch of wood was the only bridge over the river. It was narrow and only one man could walk across it at a time the stranger had a quarter-staff to fight with, so robin usedhis quarter-satff too. Robin Hood hit a young tree 500 paces away. John Little was the biggest man that robin had ever seen. So his new name, Little John, was a joke.
There were men with crossbows in the covered wagon. The abbot wanted Robin that he was a poor miller. He knew that robin would not hurt a woman and a child. The knights were hiding in the covered wagon. They hoped that Robin wouldattacked them when they showed themselves. Then the outlaws would be killed by the knights or by the sheriff and his men who were coming from Nottingham. The tall man wanted the knights to think that he was Robin, shouting the outlaws. He wanted the knights to follow him into the forest. They did and Little John, who was alone, easily got away
The ‘miller’ (Robin Hood) asked: why does a poormiller have forty bags of gold? He must have stolen the money. Prince John was a young man but was becoming fat because he ate too much. Prince John and the sheriff both loved money so they were alike.
The sheriff hoped that Robin would enter the archery contest in Nottingham. Then the outlaws and his mans would be cough. The black center of the target was called a ‘ bull’s eye’. His back bent andhis poor clothes were made of red cloth. He had brown hair and a brown beard. He had only one eye. A black patch covered his right eye and half of his face.
The crowd laugh at the beggar, because they did not believe that he could shoot straight. The sheriff that the tall fair stranger, William of London, was Robin. The sheriff offered the beggar food, drinks and place for his army, the thebeggar refused.
The outlaws had stolen their coats of Lincoln green from the foresters. The green coats made it easier to hide in the forest.
Robin wanted to know what the Sheriff was doing.
Will Stutely was dressed as a monk. When the Sheriff’s men came in, he went into the corner to pray, so that they would not recognize him.
A cat rubbed itself against Will and raised his brown monk’s...
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