Brazil A Major Contaminator

Páginas: 8 (1916 palabras) Publicado: 27 de octubre de 2012

Conserving the ecosystem is a responsibility of the entire world. Global warming is a problem that is affecting many places in the world and could affect every human on Earth in a close future. The world must make a change, and must make it now. Big, developed nations are the main responsible for all the consequences that are happening so they must be part of this change. First ofall, we need to adapt to the global warming issue, for example, by reducing the use of fossil fuels.
The main goal is to reach the complete mitigation of this phenomenon, which is to stop the heating of the planet, and return the temperature to its normal range. There is still not a way to achieve that because we are still very dependent on fossil fuels. Meanwhile we can work in compensation ofglobal warming. This means to stabilize its effects by doing different activities that reduce the effects. Planting trees, for example, will not mitigate global warming alone, but it definitely helps to compensate it.
Brazil is a country that is developing very fast and has a great chance to become a developed nation, but the developed nations are the ones that cause the most ecological damage.Brazil has something that most of the nations in the world don’t have, the Amazon. The Amazon is a huge rainforest that absorbs lots of the carbon dioxide produced around the world. If this forest disappears we would all be greatly affected.
Today, Brazil is known for its role in the protection of the environment. In the past and still today they have had many problems to solve. Brazil occupies the8th place in the list of countries with the most emissions of greenhouse gases. This is the biggest problem that Brazil has regarding global warming.
Poverty is also a concern. Latin-America is a poor region, and Brazil is part of this problem. Poor places tend to cause more contamination than richer places because many people live clumped and they usually don’t follow regulations. Favelas, thepoor cities of Brazil, cause lots of contamination.
Brazil has made projects to protect the Amazon, but like in every other country around the world, there are people who try to get their own benefit and get advantage of them. Many of these projects have ended in a bad way for the environment.
The objective of this paper is to research and analyze Brazil’s contribution to the global greenhousegases emissions, as well as analyze its efforts in the compensation and mitigation of the effects of these emissions, and the overall protection of the environment.

Brazil is a big country, and even though it has the Amazon, it is a major contributor to the world’s greenhouse gases emissions. The Amazon, known as the earth’s lungs, it’s fundamental to the environment in. This is becauseof its size and for its contribution to keep balance in the world. The forest absorbs a lot of greenhouse gases, cause of the global warming.
Deforestation is a big deal because farmers and ranchers cut these trees for different reasons. These reasons might be urban development, farming, and grazing. To farm, they need to cut a lot of trees because in rainforests the soil it’s not very rich, andthen go to another piece of land and do the same. By doing this they get fertile land, but leave the past land dead and coverless, susceptible to erosion.
Brazil has become one the biggest economies in the world, 3rd in America, and has a lot of inhabitants. Because of its huge population, poverty in Brazil is very common. Those sectors of cities are the ones that contaminate the most. Thishappens because there is far more ignorance of regulations and less organization. Big cities are big contributors to contamination. Cities only represent 2% of the world’s space, but represent 70% percent of the world’s contamination.
In 1992 a UN convention regarding climate change was made in Rio de Janeiro. In this meeting they made plans to compensate releases of greenhouse gases and they...
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