¿Cómo Hacer Una Entrevista?

Páginas: 7 (1515 palabras) Publicado: 13 de febrero de 2013
The interview process is the best way to gain information. What many people don't know is the question determines the amount and kind of information that can be obtained. In other words, there is a right and wrong way to ask a question if you are expecting to get what you came for. By understanding the process, you will create an atmosphere for a great interview.

Preparing Your Questions
Jotdown 20 questions you may want to know. Avoid asking questions that are common knowledge. Certainly, don't ask questions that are meaningless. Consider whether the question you are asking has any value to your purpose. Whatever you choose to ask, listen carefully to answers that might serve as a springboard for further questioning. Practice your questions on a family member, or friend. Better yet,have someone ask you. Rewrite any question that does not allow information to flow freely.
Open vs. Closed Questions
A "closed" question is one that the can only be answered with a yes, no, or limited response. An "open" question is one that is based on the 5 W's-who, what, when, where, why, or how. For more extensive replies, ask the person to explain, recall, or describe. These types ofquestions result in detail which will keep your audience interested.
Taking time to prepare well for an interview using open ended questions assure a smooth interview. Open ended question create a situation where the interviewer has the responsibility of providing the information. Be in control of the interview; don't let the interview control you.
If you're at a loss for a new topic, think ofsomeone that you would enjoy interviewing. Not only will the information fill an immediate void, you may find yourself spinning off into a whole new direction.

Example Interview Questions and Answers
Congratulations! Now you are getting ready for that important interview. (Important for you because you are going to practice English) Your English has to be excellent and you are looking forward tomaking a good impression (hopefully for me, your teacher). Now, you need to make sure that you also have the right type of questions for that interview.
The interview in English contains specific questions and appropriate answers. It also requires certain flexibility in your usage of tenses. This feature provides tips on interview questions and answers in English.
When you begin with theinterview, the very first impression you make on the interviewer can have a great influence on the rest of the interview. It is important that you introduce yourself, shake hands, and are friendly. The first question is often a "breaking the ice" (establish a rapport) type of question. Don't be surprised if the interviewer asks you something like:
* How are you today?
* What do you think ofthe weather lately?
* Did you have any trouble finding your career?
Don't be surprised by the friendly tone. The interviewer wants to put you at ease (help you relax). Ask the question without going into too much detail. The language you use should be simple but polite, for example;
How are you today? GOOD
I'm fine thank you, and you?
I'm well thank you
BAD, So, so, OK, Not so wellWhat is most important?
Talking about His/her experience and credentials (qualifications) is the most important part of any interview. Your qualifications include His/her education
from High School on and any special training He or She may have done in the past. His/her experience is any work that you have done
that is directly or indirectly related to the job He/ She applying for.Education

Remember that education took place in the past. Therefore you need to use the past tenses, for example:
Did you attend the University of Mexico?

I attended the University of Mexico from 1987 to 1993.
Did you graduate with a degree?
I graduated with a degree in agricultural planning.
You can.

If you are currently a student you should use the following present tenses:...
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  • como hacer una entrevista
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas