
Páginas: 2 (273 palabras) Publicado: 26 de mayo de 2011
Giver Assignment
Grade 8
Ms Wotherspoon
For this essay you will choose a passage from the following pages and do an analysis of it similar to theanalysis you did on a poem last semester. You will choose your passage from any page between 71 and 147. Your passage must consist of one fullparagraph without dialogue. In this analysis you must discuss such literary devices as mood, tone, metaphor or simile, word choice, and any otherliterary devices you feel the passage contains. To help you with this analysis, please consult the rhetorical vocabulary sheets posted on moodle. You willdo a detailed outline of your essay to show to me by the 17th of May. An example of what a detailed outline looks like is also posted with thisassignment. NOTE: Your outline will be two pages long, not four, but must follow the same pattern.
Remember: If you take something that is not yoursand you do not quote it and use in-text referencing, it is plagiarism and will result in a zero grade. Do Your Own Work or Give Credit to the PersonWho Did.
Your essay will be a maximum of 2000 words, typed double space, using Ariel 12 only. Do not use any other font. Be sure to proofread youressay before uploading on the class moodle page, and be sure to put your name on your essay. This essay will be graded on all three criteria: A –Content; B – Organization, C- Language usage. The essay is due 31 May. Late papers will not be accepted by moodle and will result in a zero grade.
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