Páginas: 5 (1167 palabras) Publicado: 26 de enero de 2014
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The importance of quality in your business
Aristotle once said, “Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”
In almost every part of business, from the products and processes to the human resources and the whole management team, quality is always a bigissue. And why not? Quality affects your success (or failure) in business. When your quality is so-so, you expect a so-so business. But when you have the best quality there is, you know the drill.
In this post, we’ll discuss how quality affects your business and how to produce quality products/results.
Quality = Consistency
Quality is associated with consistency. A client who is satisfied andhappy with the first buying experience needs and wants to be equally happy on each further occasion. Or even happier. The only time when inconsistency is welcome is when quality improves. Going below the standards is unacceptable and may take your business to ruins. Most clients who really care about quality are willing to pay a bit more to obtain it and see ‘the extras’ as worth the additionalexpense.
Quality helps your business
In large companies, quality is so important that many they have a separate quality assurance department. This is to make sure that the company’s products and services meet the required quality standards. These large companies give a lot of attention to quality because they know that the quality of the product or service that they provide ultimately impacts theirbrand. The same thing is true in your case.
So which would you rather be known for: quality products or mediocre work? I think you know the answer. You rather be known for the high quality of our work.
Providing quality products and services can set your business apart in the market teeming with low-class products. Take the lead.
Producing quality work
Here are some tips to bring some quality toyour business:
Study trends.
Trends and fads do not necessarily dictate quality work. What’s in today might not make much sense few months from now. While it’s important to be study trends, don’t let yourself be driven by them, though. Do what works best for your client and what you know will last longer. It pays to acquire the skill of foresight.
Work smart.
Working smart is a good idea.This means that you are taking full advantage of the tools and resources that you have to do the most efficient job possible. However, working iin a rush, is not a good idea. If you are working rushed you’ll be tempted to skip important steps of a project such as testing or quality control processes.
Set proper rates.
If you price your products and services too cheaply you may be tempted not toapply the quality processes needed to produce the kind of quality that stands out. To produce quality work, charge your clients a high enough rate so that you have the time that it takes to do the job carefully.
Your thoughts
How about you? How important is quality to you? What would you like to add to the tips given? Have you experienced failing in giving the quality product your clients deserved?What happened?


Aristóteles dijo una vez: "La calidad no es un acto, es un hábito."
En casi todas las partes del negocio, de los productos y procesos a los recursos humanos y de todo el equipo de gestión, la calidad siempre es ungran problema. ¿Y por qué no? Calidad afecta a su éxito (o fracaso) en los negocios. Cuando la calidad es regular, se puede esperar un negocio regular. Pero cuando se tiene la mejor calidad que hay, usted sabe el taladro.
En este artículo, hablaremos de cómo afecta a la calidad de su negocio y cómo producir productos / resultados de calidad.
Calidad = Consistencia
La calidad está asociada con la...
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