Capitulo 4

Páginas: 5 (1026 palabras) Publicado: 3 de agosto de 2012
Chapter 4
A Bird in a Cage
Odile´s room was at the top castle tower. Rockford had put her there, he had taken her from her parents. She was the most beautiful Princess in the land, and her parents were good and kind. Rocford had asked her father if he could marry Odile.
We must ask my daughter what she thinks"
Odile was Brought to the wizard.
"Odile, this man has asked to marry you. He sayshe is very rich and that he will make you the happiest Princess in the world. What do you think?
Odile looked into the winzard´s eyes.
Do you promise to love me forever, with all your heart?
Will you love me so much that you will not think of what you want, even if it hurts you to do this?"
The look in her eyes and her questions made Rocford uncomfortable.
Why do you ask me such questions? Itold your father I could give you everything you could want.
The princess smiled and turned her head away.
I´m sorry father, but I will not marry this man. He does not know what love is.
They did not know then that he was a wizard. Rocford had looked a Prince. He wore clothes and looked very handsome. But, when he heard what Odile said to her father, his face began to change. It became oldand ugly. His clothes change from blue to black.
You don´t know what you´re saying, you silly girl. I do not have to ask for what I want. I am a wizard. I can do anything I please.

He waved his hands through the air, and a fire started in the castle where the Princess and her parents lived. He had turned Odile into a small bird in a cage, and carried her it his castle where he locked her up ina tower.
The waved his hands through the air, and her parents were killed.
The was a real bird in a cage in Odile´s room at the winzard´s castle. The wizard had put it there so that Odile would remember the power he had over her. He only let her leave the castle as a swan because he did not want other men to fall in love with her. At night, she staved talking to the bird, who was her onlyfriend. She called the bird Patrice, because it was her mother´s name. "Oh Patrice, what should I do? The ball is tonight, and I am a prisoner here.. I believe the Prince loves me with all his heart. I saw it in his eyes. He loved me even as a swan."
The bird began moving its wings its wings wildly. It always knew when something horrible was about to happen.
What is it Patrice, what are you afraid of?Odile heard keys in her locked door. She put the bird and its cage behind a curtain, because she did not want the bird to see what was about to happen.

Capitulo 5
Un pájaro en una jaula
Sala de Odile se encontraba en la parte superior de la torre del castillo. Rockford le había puesto allí, la había tomado de sus padres. Ella era la princesa más bella de la tierra, y sus padres eran buenosy amables. Rocford había pedido a su padre si podía casarse con Odile.

"Hay que preguntarle a mi hija lo que ella piensa"
Odile fue llevado a la asistente.
"Odile, que este hombre ha pedido que se case contigo. Dice que es muy rico y que le hará el más feliz de la princesa en el mundo. ¿Qué piensa usted?
Odile miró a los ojos de winzard.
¿Me lo prometes amarme para siempre con todo tucorazón?
¿Usted me ama tanto que no va a pensar de lo que quiere, aunque te duela a hacer esto? "
La mirada en sus ojos y sus preguntas se Rocford incómodo.
¿Por qué me haces esas preguntas? Le dije a tu padre que yo podría darte todo lo que pueda desear.
La princesa sonrió y volvió la cabeza.
Lo siento padre, pero no voy a casarme con este hombre. Él no sabe qué es el amor.
No sabía entonces queera un mago. Rocford había visto un príncipe. Llevaba la ropa y se veía muy guapo. Pero, cuando escuchó lo que Odile dijo a su padre, su rostro empezó a cambiar. Se convirtió en viejo y feo. Su ropa cambiará de azul a negro.
Tú no sabes lo que estás diciendo, que tonta. No tengo que pedir lo que quiero. Yo soy un mago. Puedo hacer lo que me plazca.

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