Casa De Muñecas

Páginas: 2 (372 palabras) Publicado: 9 de agosto de 2012
Stripe=franja, raya record=grabar tinker= hacerle ajustes pulled=tiró
Wrong resistor=Resistencia equivocada current= corriente ants= hormigas
Wires=alambres sticking out=sobresaliendo strengths=fuerzas wide=ancho
Need=necesitar instead=en cambio grabbed=agarró as strong=mas fuerte
It cycled= se encendía brief= breve heartbeat=latido del corazón pacemaker=marcapasoLifesaver=salvavidas spilled=derramó found=encontró sweet=dulce
Wave=onda realized=se dió cuenta melt=derretir pocket= bolsillo
lie=encontrarse lucky= con suerte stumble=tropezar
momentous=memorable pattern=pauta


1. Read the text and choose an option. What type of text is it? (1 pt.)
a. An article c. A report
b. Abrochure d. A story
2. Read the text again and find this information (5 pts.)
a. The inventor of the pacemaker. …………………………………………………
b. An invention that tastes sweet.……………………………………………………
c. The human organ the pacemaker imitates. ……………………………………….
d. What can you shout when you discover something. …………………………..
3. Read the text. Are these statements true or false? (4 pts.)
a. The inventor of the pacemakerwas working with other engineers.
b. The pacemaker was the result of a mistake.
c. The pacemaker saved Mother Teresa’s life.
d. Even though we love the myths of magic moments, a lot ofpreparation lies behind them.

7. Fill in the blanks in these sentences with a word from the box. (4 pts.)
When- where- which- who |

a. An old man , ______________ wascarrying a suitcase, knocked at the door.
b. July and August are the month _________________ most people go on holiday.
c. Edinburgh is the town __________________ Alexander Graham Bell wasborn.
d. This book, ______________ was written by Isabel Allende, is my favourite.
8. Complete the definition below using the correct relative adverb. (4...
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