Ceremonial speaking

Páginas: 3 (581 palabras) Publicado: 29 de enero de 2012
Ceremonial Speaking: speeches for special occasions.

The goal of ceremonial speaking lies somewhere between informing and persuading.

Characteristic of ceremonial speaking:

• We invitelistener to agree with us about the value of the person, object, event or place occasion.

• Ceremonial speech is brevity.

Type of ceremonial speeches given on special occasion:

1-Speechesof welcome: is usually a very brief, formal ceremonial address that greets and expresses pleasure for the presence of a person or an organization and it is generally not more than two to four minuteslong.

A speech of welcome invites listeners to agree that the occasion to the person or people you are welcoming.

Some speeches of welcome like year-end honorary banquets, corporate dinnermeeting and local charity events use a master of ceremonies that is an individual designated to set the mood of the program, introduce participants and keep the program moving.

A master of ceremoniesshould have to prepare his or her speech.

First she or he should give the welcome to person or organization.

Next we should provide a brief description of the group or person that we arewelcoming.

At the end we should give a brief conclusion where we express what we hope of the event, visit or relationship.

2-Speeches of introduction: is a brief ceremonial speech that establishes asupportive climate for the main speaker, highlights the speaker´s credibility by familiarizing the audience with pertinent biographical information and generates enthusiasm for listening to thespeaker and topic.

The goal of a speech of introduction is to establish the credibility of the main speaker by letting the audience know the education, background and experience of the speaker andsuggest why the audience should listen.

The beginning of the speech of introduction should establish the nature of the occasion, the body of the speech should focus on three or four thing about the...
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