
Páginas: 4 (890 palabras) Publicado: 31 de octubre de 2012
2.1 Properties of matter

How can properties used to describe matter be classified?
Properties used to describe matter can be classified as extensive or intensive.

Extension Properties

Themass of an object is a measure of the amount of matter the object contains.
The volume of an object is a measure of the space occupied by the object.
An extensive property is a property that dependson the amount of matter in a sample.

Intensive Properties

An intensive property is a property that depends on the type of matter in a sample not the amount of matter. The hardness of a bowlingball is an example of an intensive property.

Identifying Substances - Why do all samples of a substance have the same intensive property?

Matter that has a uniform and definite composition iscalled a substance. Copper and gold is an example of substances.
Every sample of a given substance has identical intensive properties because every sample has the same composition.

A physicalproperty is a quantity or condition of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the substance composition.
Hardness, color, conductivity and malleability are examples of physicalproperties.

States of matter
What are the 3 states of matter?
Solid, liquid and gas.

A solid is a form of matter that has a definite shape and volume.
A liquid is a form ofmatter that has an indefinite shape that flows, yet has a fixed volume.
A gas is a form of matter that takes both the shape and volume of its container.
Vapor describes the gasses state of asubstance that is generally a liquid or solid at room temperature as in water vapor.

2.2 Classifying mixtures

- A mixture is a physical blend of two or more components.
Based on the distributionof their components mixtures can be classified as heterogeneous mixtures or homogeneous mixtures.

- Heterogeneous Mixtures: a mixture in which the composition is not uniform throughout is a...
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